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Canine and Abled Taking The Dis Out of Disabled
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ISBN: 1413458262
Genre: Inspirational
Author: Kimberly Carnevale

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2004-12-30 21:18:34

Kimberly Carnevale was a professional athlete vying for a spot on the United States Equestrian Team until a horrible accident left her permanently disabled. Prior to becoming her service dog, Dewey was an abandoned pup in deparate need of rescuing. Kimberly adopted the dog, unaware that her good ...

(Read Full Book Review)
ISBN: 1483570207
Genre: Science
Author: RJ Teles, M.Ed.

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2016-07-09 14:54:48

This book reveals information the U.S. Government and the Church doesn't want the public to know about UFOs and Extraterrestrial life. Based on classified information disclosed by high-ranking military and intelligence sources, THE FINAL REVELATION: The Sun Project reveals the real story about the existence of intelligence extraterrestrial ...

Chasing Picasso: The True Story of A Daytime Heist on Art Hill
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ISBN: 979-8986738703
Genre: Crime
Author: C. Joan Baker

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2023-09-19 17:35:14

No one remembers the daytime heist at the Saint Louis Art Museum. A rare Picasso arrived at the museum cloaked in mystery in 1934, then disappeared without a trace in 1973. Today, the painting could be worth millions, that is, if it could be recovered.

The true ...

Why Don't They JUST QUIT? What Families and Friends Need to Know About Addiction and Recovery
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ISBN: 1604020784
Genre: Health/Wellness
Author: Joe Herzanek

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2008-07-28 10:42:07

This life-changing, award winning book is a proven resource for family and friends, giving practical solutions and the tools they need to help anyone struggling with alcohol or drugs. Although there are many books available to help the recovering person, there are very few that speak to those ...

The Laws of Attraction
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ISBN: 1481738690
Genre: Relationships
Author: Michael Ross

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2013-12-25 00:00:20

Deep inside of you resides a person that hungers for something more than this life can ever give. Do you know who you really are or how to properly use your gifts and talents? Are you going to give your soul what it craves or just choose to ...

Tucker's Monster
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ISBN: 0982722206
Genre: Action/Thriller
Author: S.S. Wilson

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2010-07-22 10:34:08

Written by screenwriter S.S Wilson whose credits include Tremors and Short Circuit. Set in 1903, Tucker's monster it chronicles the adventures of young zoologist Gerard Whitney when he is hired by wealthy, eccentric cattle rancher, Harold B Tucker. He is soon caught up in Tucker's passion, searching the ...

The Marriage Medics
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ISBN: 0976084406
Genre: Relationships
Author: Cynthia Cooper PhD and Scott Lorenz

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2004-12-30 21:29:47

"The Marriage Medics is a book of multiple dimensions. Written by five professionals - a psychotherapist, a lawyer, a banker, a US Navy Chaplain and a certified sex coach - who deal with marriage difficulties on a daily basis it provides practical tips and solutions to everyday marital ...

The Acts of Judas
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ISBN: 1931742847
Genre: Action/Thriller
Author: Georgiann Baldino

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2005-02-09 10:36:59

An ancient scroll, written by Judas Iscariot, puts its discoverer on a collision course with terrorists. Linda Rhodes discovers a manuscript that appears to be from the same period as the Dead Sea Scrolls, but before she can authenticate the relics, Muslim terrorists take control of the archaeology ...

A Reason for Living
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ISBN: 1589611659
Genre: Essays
Author: Laurent Grenier

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2004-12-30 21:12:06

"A Reason for Living" is Laurent Grenier's extremely moving story of his triumph over a disabling injury as he found meaning in life despite everything. Part autobiography, part philosophical essay, "A Reason for Living" looks back on the author's past - his active, athletic youth abruptly interrupted by ...

We Are The Socks
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ISBN: 1942011032
Genre: Spirituality
Author: Daniel L. Buttry

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2015-10-21 16:50:27

Peacemaking One Sock at a Time Every day, we hear tragic news from conflicts around the world. Who could hope to make a difference? Peacemaking seems impossible; unless you're Daniel L. Buttry. For decades, Dan has worked in some of the most dangerous corners of the world, training ...

You Can Do What I Did: Lose Weight - Improve Your Health - Stay Fit!
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ISBN: 1500580090
Genre: Health/Wellness
Author: Manfred Popp

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2014-08-16 10:51:51

Are you concerned about your health? Your blood pressure is too high? You are struggling with your weight or you do not feel fit?
If so, then you should read this book. It offers you a practical step-by-step guide to improve your health and fitness.
Over a period ...

Our Magic Bunk Bed: The Bedtime Adventures of Ally and Arthur
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Genre: Children
Author: Adam Zollinger

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2013-08-05 23:35:25

This children's bedtime story follows the adventures of Ally, Arthur, and their dog Hoover. When their dad makes them a new bunk bed, all it takes is a little bit of imagination, and little bit of magic, and they are on their way. Their bed takes them to ...

Obama and the Gays: A Political Marriage
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ISBN: 1453801715
Genre: Political Science
Author: Tracy Baim

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2012-10-06 10:01:29

Obama and the Gays presents a clear, lively, in-depth review of Barack Obama's policies on gay issues, from the early days of his political career through his meteoric rise to prominence--all in the context of the political landscape of the times--and examines the role the gay community has ...

The Power of Self: Reclaiming the I AM
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ISBN: 2147483647
Genre: Self-Help
Author: LeNora Millen

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2012-06-17 12:12:12

The Power of Self, once natural and intimate to man speaks of the internal flame burning within the intensity of a time when humankind embraced power with a force that speaks to God and nature. Within the vastness of the universe, nature taunts man to reconnect to a ...

Making a Killing - An End of the World Black Comedy
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ISBN: 1857760808
Genre: Action/Thriller
Author: William M. Johnson

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2012-06-11 12:12:12

When Dr Ernest Walters and his research team are murdered in the Aguarico Parrot Preserve, news of the deaths has massive repercussions on the Earth Summit, held in the troubled Caribbean paradise of San Pimente. Here, the world's dignitaries and power-brokers are gathering to save the planet, which ...

Quest for Antarctica: A Journey of Wonder and Discovery 2011 Revision, ebook
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ISBN: 595426263
Genre: Education
Author: John F. Barell

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2012-04-04 18:51:04

"John Barell's book is a rich and ripping read that will not only captivate but also educate its audience. . . Anybody who has ever been a parent will come away moved. Anybody who has ever been to Antarctica will come away with new perspectives on the continent ...

The Cottage by the Lake
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Genre: Mystery
Author: Amanda Brenner

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2011-12-21 18:49:46

Sid Langdon didn't believe in the Greenwood ghost-until it killed his client! Sid, a self-doubting magnet for offbeat clients and hapless scenarios, is hired by a wealthy gentleman to investigate mysterious occurrences at his parents' lakeside estate. The man considers the incidents the work of pranksters trading on ...

How I Would Help the World
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ISBN: 0877853363
Genre: Spirituality
Author: Helen Keller with introduction by Ray Silverman

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2011-04-01 18:48:01

This is more than just a beautifully written book of prose with lovely photographs. It is an invitation into Helen's spiritual world and provides a glimpse of what inspired her to rise above the darkest of times personally and professionally. Author and humorist Mark Twain wrote, "She doesn't ...

Atlantis: A Karmic Memory of the Rise & Fall, Book 1: Paradise
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Genre: History
Author: Zarin

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2011-02-15 18:46:28

Atlantis! Just the name congers up all types of myths and legends. Mysteries and opinions. For some, the very thought that it even existed is considered a joke. To others, the fact of its reality is without question. Shrouded in the mists of ancient history, before known records, ...

Making Limonata: from Mississippi to Italy via Katrina
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Genre: Travel
Author: Leann Horrocks

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2010-08-10 14:03:36

"Making Limonata: from Mississippi to Italy via Katrina" is a new e-book that follows the two-year unexpected adventure of a newly retired couple. Leann and Peter Horrocks of Ocean Springs, Mississippi lost a lifetime of belongings in hurricane Katrina. After settling with insurance companies, they decided to move ...

Why Am I Anxious?
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ISBN: 1615665714
Genre: Self-Help
Author: Clay Ballentine

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2010-05-01 10:14:14

A self help book for those who suspect they may have thyroid disease, or someone the care about does. It explores in autobiographical fashion, a 51 year lifetime of undiagnosed thyroid disease - the result of a birth defect. In addition, a life around family members who also ...

Return to Your First Love
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ISBN: 0984097414
Genre: Inspirational
Author: Teresa R. Jones

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2009-07-21 21:40:49

Love is desired by all, yet it eludes many... Start anew with the Source. God stands at door of the heart and knocks. His hand extends toward His children to lead them in a loving, intimate relationship with Himself and others. No one has to live a life ...

Seven Floors High
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ISBN: 1438948824
Genre: Political Science
Author: Steve Goddard

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2009-02-18 17:15:06

Seven Floors High is based around a true story of life inside Iaxis, a London based Internet start-up company during the "" boom of 2000. Written with style and humor, the story is a personal account of one individual who saw the "paper tiger" from the inside. Woven ...

Memories of the Little Elephant
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ISBN: 0979701007
Genre: Children
Author: Nehprii Amenii

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2008-09-24 01:26:30

Synopsis A little girl, named for the memory of the elephant, tells her life story, and thus the story of African peoples from where it truly begins--the beginning of time! Her memory stretches back as far as the stars, to the movement of her family across the globe, ...

Crossing 13: Memoir of a Father
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ISBN: 0981593801
Genre: Relationships
Author: Carrie Stark Hugus

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2008-06-02 16:47:57

Crossing 13 is a captivating coming of age story about a thirteen-year-old girl whose life is instantly altered upon finding her father dead from suicide. As she rides the emotional waves of, shock, guilt, confusion, shame and the obsession with WHY, she begins to embrace her new normal ...

Saving Erasmus: The Tale of a Reluctant Prophet
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ISBN: 1557254982
Genre: Religion
Author: Steven Cleaver

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2007-04-01 12:55:21

"I did not expect to meet the Angel of Death while he was extricating himself from a washing machine. Actually I wasn't really expecting to meet the Angel of Death at all. Not this soon. Not in this place. Yet there he was, slowly unwinding himself from the ...

Be Not Deceived
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ISBN: 1412090032
Genre: Religion
Author: Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr.

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2006-08-25 15:59:58

The most important thing we will ever do is accept or reject the gracious and unmerited gift of salvation, as with our choice we will inherit heaven or hell. Sadly, God's Word states repeatedly that many who believe they have accepted the gift of salvation, actually have not. ...

Serpent of Eternity
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ISBN: 1595940472
Genre: Fantasy
Author: Nikki Persley

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2006-04-14 15:12:02

Nikki Persley's impressive debut novel, Serpent of Eternity, weaves a fairytale mix of mythology and horror about a young woman who must embark on a journey of self-discovery to save herself and humanity. Anya Alan has it all - beauty, a successful writing career, a loving boyfriend, and ...

The Corporate Circus
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ISBN: 1410713679
Genre: Business
Author: Adela JP

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2006-02-15 21:24:24

A uniquely original and innovatively creative fantasy corporate satire, reviewed and awarded a 5 Star rave review by Midwest Book Review describing the story as "a bizarre and fantastic tale told almost entirely in dialogue, with each corporate lackey player represented as an animal. "The Corporate Circus," by ...

Procrastination Elimination: Seven Days to Action
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ISBN: 0595344011
Genre: Self-Help
Author: Susan Lynn Perry

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2005-05-17 18:03:28

Are you ready to take control of your life in as little time as one week? In Procrastination Elimination: Seven Days to Action!, author Susan Lynn Perry will help you define your goals and overcome procrastination so you can finally achieve them. Through real-life examples and simple hands-on ...

The Cool Guide to Living in Crete
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ISBN: 1844811301
Genre: Travel
Author: Carol Palioudaki

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2005-05-17 11:44:01

Crete is a unique part of Greece, its culture, customs and traditions are often regarded as much a mystery by mainland Greeks as by tourists. To understand the island, appreciate its beauty, make the most of its hospitality and avoid the pitfalls of life there requires a guide ...

The World Behind It, Chaos
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Genre: Poetry
Author: Michael Dickel
2005-01-02 17:06:13

The World behind it, Chaos... A collection of poetry, photography and digital artwork by Michael Dickel. Michael Dickel's poetry has appeared in small-press literary magazines for over twenty years. His photography and artwork has been published in art books, literary / arts journals, and online journals for around ...

Imogene of the Pacific Kingdom
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ISBN: 1412016428
Genre: Children
Author: Teresa Saari

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2004-12-30 21:27:09

Imogene is five when she is left to live with an unkind aunt. At the age of ten she is reunited with her parents and discovers that she is the princess of an underwater kingdom! ...

Milton's Dilemma
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ISBN: 0965166198
Genre: Children
Author: Patricia Gatto & John De Angelis

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2004-06-01 21:34:16

Fantastic Book for Children About Bullying Ten-year-old Milton Hastings, Jr. knew that moving to Smithville wouldn't be better like his Mother said. After all, Milton was used to moving, seeing as how his Father, Sergeant Hastings, a war hero who died the previous year, was always being transferred ...


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