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About The Open Press

One of the best Newswires is the Internet, and this is where we come in...

Professional Press Release Newswire

The Open Press, Inc. is not just another press release portal. We have done our homework and market research and have spoken with journalists and industry professionals to get their feedback. We exact industry standards for press releases and we will not allow unprofessional press releases to be submitted through our services. All press releases must comply with our press release guidelines. Our editors must approve all press releases. We reject about 30% of press releases submitted. If your release is lacking in content or reads like an advertisement, it will be rejected. We report quality news and will not accept anything less. All paid releases will go into our PRO PR section with its own RSS feed, bringing more credibility to your news.

PR Firms

Press releases submitted by PR Firms do not require approval, however, we do verify each PR Firm application before we approve it. We perform PR Firm checks through independent sources to make sure the individual applying for a PR Firm account does indeed belong to a PR Firm and is authorized and qualified to submit press releases on the PR Firm's behalf. Furthermore, press releases submitted to us by PR Firms do not require approval AND are also automatically submitted to our Professional Press Releases (Pro Prs) section, which also has its own RSS Feed. PR Firms can submit press releases on behalf of their clients and can also add financial contributions to a press release to have it listed higher on the main front page and Pro Prs front page. The releases submitted by PR Firms can also contain special characters, images and html tags. Because PR Firms get several perks, we do require an annual subscription fee of $500 for companies to obtain PR Firm status with The Open Press, Inc.

Articles & Op-Eds (Opinion Editorials)

Every year, tens of thousands of students seek a degree in journalism or related fields. The Open Press, Inc. has added this section to give these students and writers a chance to establish their portfolio and resume. Because we expect large amounts of people to read these Articles and Op-Eds over the course of time, we ask for a very small contribution of $10 to cover our bandwidth usage. Furthermore, news media professionals and thousands of website owners would be far more inclined to appraise each Article or Op-Ed if they knew it was submitted by someone who had to pay to have it listed in the RSS Feed. This ensures a certain degree of quality as well as respect for the author. Many website owners are seeking quality content for their community websites. We give each student, writer and journalist an opportunity to provide that content, while at the same time, we give each Article and Op-Ed an audience. Many professional journalists, individual writers and the like, write quality materials, which their own media employer will not publish for one reason or another. Now you have a chance to publish your work and know it will be read.

Newsworthy Stories

Because the mainstream media has to please its advertisers, many important stories never make it into the mainstream media for political reasons. Also, many important stories never make it to the mainstream media because so-called press release services do not have an option for such stories to be submitted and assessed. For these reasons we have decided to include such a feature. In addition, many website owners seeking content for their sites would love to have their organized sites syndicate such stories. If a website contains exceptional content, the more attractive it will be to its visitors. Furthermore, more and more websites are community websites because people love to have a place where they can belong and become a part of a community. Again, we ask for a small contribution of $10 to cover our bandwidth usage.

Now all-important stories can be published and will be read. Do you have a story you feel is important and should get attention? Submit it through us and it will get attention.

Book Reviews

The Book Review section offers a place for authors and publishers alike to promote their books. Listing a book may provide a great chance of exposure and notice when readers use search engines. By having a review published, authors also can include more information that wouldn't be found on other sites. Include an author's bio or a short excerpt to give potential readers that extra incentive to buy your work. There are millions of books available online, let us help them find that diamond in the rough. The $20 service includes cover art, 1000 words of space to write a description or review and will automatically create a link to . The small featured book area has the top five books with the most stars. The others can be accessed from searching by keywords or genre. More stars can be added for just $10 each.

Testimonials From Our Clients

"The Open Press is a wonderful resource for reaching a local, national or international audience. The paid release option is extremely affordable and has allowed us to position our news favorably. The site is professional and the administrators go out of their way to be helpful. It's a wonderful tool."
-- Ann Wesley, Director of Marketing and External Relations for PBS station WTIU

"Just a quick note to thank The Open Press for posting our press release! Our continued efforts are definitely showing signs of success...
Once again, thank you."
-- Mary Gilbert and Jimmy Caterine, Caterine Music

"I've been very impressed that OpenPress has gotten me visibility on Yahoo and some other search engines. Keep up the good work!"
-- Steven L. Lubetkin, APR, Fellow, PRSA - Lubetkin & Co. Communications

"Third party endorsements are a very valuable PR action and you deserve every one that you get. I would certainly endorse your service with lots of stars. Your customer service is AWESOME. Thanks again"
-- Eric Falkow, Falkow, Inc.

"The Open Press is an excellent tool for distributing press releases. MMI Associates uses your services on a daily basis. One of the greatest things about The Open Press is the distribution of the releases. When we search for our clients on search engines, a release that has been distributed by The Open Press is always in the first five search returns. I also am impressed with how easy it is to submit a release on your site. I just wanted to say thank you for all that The Open Press does for our company! Thank you."
-- Patty Briguglio, MMI Associates

"I entered the Open Press site not knowing "what the heck I was doing". My company is only a few years old and I need help for exposure. It would be impossible to give "enough" praise to Diane and the help that I received. The Open Press walked me through it, told me the "do's" and "don't's" and gave me lots of invaluable advice. Every question was responded to immediately along with helpful ideas. When you're new at it and learning, you don't need people to be rude, ignore you or shut you out, you need help to learn how it all works. I got that help from The Open Press and will be eternally grateful. The Open Press will get all of my business and I recommend them whether you're just starting or have been in business for many years."
-- Cheri Thomas,

"The Open Press offers a nice range of news distribution services, including a PR Firm service, which is a very cost effective way for my releases to get higher positioning and better exposure. All of my releases are found on Google News and several other search engines. I've had great customer service from the owner, Diane, who is always very prompt in returning emails and taking care of my needs."
-- David M. Bresnahan,

"I have posted several PR releases via your site using the FREE press release option. On my last submission I decided to purchase one "STAR" to see if it made any difference. I use Google Alerts to monitor posts of interest in the news and on the web. To monitor my releases I create an alert criteria using a unique phrase in the release so that I can track it and be notified whenever that phrase shows up on a website or in a news story. With that said, using the FREE option I would notice my releases start showing up on sites a couple of weeks after the release went out.

I wanted to let you know that in just three days after publishing using just one "STAR" my release has already showed up on three different sites and has been plagiarized by another. I was amazed.

Great work, OPENPRESS. Can't wait to see how fast multiple STAR submissions propagate.

Keep up the good work."
-- Doc Lilly

If you've been happy with our services, please let us know!

The Open Press, Inc. is not just another press release portal. We are a newswire wanting to help spread your news for you.


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The Open Press - Professional Press Release News Wire.
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