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Press Release Guidelines

All press releases, articles, and news stories must comply with the following guidelines. We offer a great grouping of SERVICES & FEES, please feel free to review them. We will only post press releases, articles, and news stories that are well written and contain content worthy of publication. The journalists and media professionals who subscribe to our site expect to receive alerts of actual news.

The following guidelines apply to all content submitted through our news wire service:

The idea behind a press release is to inform the media and the world of a newsworthy subject. Be it a product, an organization, service or event, your press release MUST answer ALL the "W" questions such as why, who, where, when what, and NOT how much, so that your press release is information and not an advertisement. Please do not outline "WHY:""WHO:" "WHERE:" etc in your submission, those questions should be answered without highlighting. If you read your pre-submitted press release and it doesn't comply with our guidelines and you don't know how to fix it, we will gladly edit/re-write it for you for $75USD. Just choose the Professional Editing option when you submit it. Our editors will rewrite or edit your press release and submit it to our wire service for you. Please use a document application such as Microsoft Word to write and save your work before submission in case of any server or timing out errors.

All releases submitted by 6:00 pm EST are published around 12:00 am EST. Unless a date is specified, releases will be posted with the current days submissions. If you need same day service, please check our SERVICES & FEES section.


  1. You MUST create a Profile before submitting a Press Release, Article, or News Story. If you do not have contact information attached to your content, it will be rejected.
  2. All content must be written in English. Any other language will not be accepted.
  3. We do NOT accept informational and how-to releases, classified ads, job postings, advice columns or adult content.
  4. The HEADLINE must be properly capitalized. DO NOT USE ALL UPPER CASE, QUOTATION MARKS, WEB ADDRESSES, STOCK SYMBOLS OR PHONE NUMBERS IN YOUR HEADLINE; capitalize your headline as you would the Title of a Book. Please use block formatting when creating your release. Do not separate paragraphs with more than 1 blank line. You must use single spacing throughout release. Do not break each line at 70 characters and/or use hard carriage returns at the end of each line. Hard returns should be used only at the end of a paragraph. Lines must wrap naturally or it will be rejected. See sample press release at bottom.
  5. Press releases must be at least 300 words in length. Do not include the Headline, Summary or Keywords in the body, it will not counted in the required 300 words. Your announcement must be longer than your company bio. If you cannot provide substance to your press release, you do not in fact, have a press release. All you have is a blurb and we are not a blogging service. More content will give your release the proper elements needed by search engines to properly distribute to news sites.
  6. We do NOT post conspiracy stories. If it is not actual news with sources, it will be deleted and you will be issued a refund.
  7. If your release contains links to other press release newswires, the link will be removed.
  8. DO NOT write in FIRST person narrative, please use 3rd person objective.
  9. Do not use the press release service to simply promote a product, use the Expose Service. Chances are your submission will sound like an advertisement and will be rejected unless it has been submitted as an Expose.
  10. Do NOT use ANCHOR TEXTS within your PAID releases. We will change your link to a regular web link. If your release contains multiple links to a website, they will be changed so that the main website will be listed.
  11. If your release is regarding a legal court case, it MUST have a case or complaint number and the court of record for any and all legally filed claims and accusations. If you are intending to file a claim, that is NOT a news announcement. If the material contains any potentially libelous content against any organization, group or individual, it will be rejected.
  12. ANY open letters will be rejected.
  13. Simply listing facts, company reports and information about a business, websites or services is considered a news story and not a press release. Please submit newsworthy stories accordingly.
  14. DO NOT ADVERTISE. If your press release reads like an advertisement, it will be rejected. Releases with numerous links, the links will be removed as the release will read like spam. A press release is an ANNOUNCEMENT and NOT an advertisement. We do not allow spam to be passed as press releases. Do not use superlatives, such as the word "best" as they are used as hype. We offer a professional press release service. The news media is not your advertising agency. Press releases must have substance and must represent real information that informs the readers, not sell to them.
  15. Do not use this service to preach religious beliefs. If your organization has a news announcement, that is considered an acceptable press release; otherwise use the article/op-ed service.
  16. DO NOT GIVE ADVICE, TIPS OR RECOMMENDATIONS. Those are all subjective and do NOT belong in a press release. A press release IS an announcement. Subjective opinions belong in an article/op-ed.
  17. Do NOT use this service for SMEAR campaigns. It is slanderous, illegal and we will not be involved in actions of that nature. If your submissions contain slanderous information, all previous releases will be deleted and your account and IP will be banned from this site. No Exceptions.
  18. If you are announcing news which contains information of businesses that offer services that we provide, it will be rejected. We will not post press releases that announce company news of our competitors.
  19. If your press release has typos, run-on sentences, grammatical errors or written in broken English, it will be rejected. Make sure your submissions are well written. Journalists and Media professionals delete or ignore such PRs immediately and we do not want to alienate the media from using our service. You should compose your press release in a program such as Microsoft Word or Wordperfect ahead of time. If you want one of our editors to edit your press release, make sure you choose the Professional Editing option when submitting your press release.
  20. If your press release contains any adult (18 or over) material, profanity or promotes any website with the aforementioned content, it will be rejected. This includes revealing lingerie, any anatomical issues such as augmentation or erectile dysfunction. 99% of the time you are selling a service or product and not making an announcement.
  21. If you are a tech company, giving a list of specs on a product is NOT a news announcement. Without any substance, that is a spec sheet and not a press release and it will be rejected.
  22. A list of items is NOT a press release. For example, if you are selling a 10 step program and list all 10 steps and submit it as a press release, it will be rejected. That is a form of advertising and not a press release.
  23. If your press release includes any exclamation points or hype words, it will be rejected. Exclamation points are used mostly for hype and have no place in a press release. Using adjectives ending in "est" or capitalizing words such as "FREE" are used in advertisements not news announcements.
  24. When quoting someone or writing about other companies and products, make sure you obtain permission from the persons or companies you are referencing.
  25. If you are submitting an article, Op-Ed or Newsworthy Story it must be your own work. Do not submit any items written by others or quote more than 20% of someone else's work.
  26. You cannot piggyback off of one company to promote your own. Do not list the use of a product copyrighted by another company in conjunction with the promotion of your product unless you disassociate your company from the other. If you have written permission from the other company, it must be stated or your release will be rejected.

Sample Press Release

(Headline)Never Give Up Wristbands, In Memory of all People with ALS (PALS), are Now Available

Agoura Hills, CA (OPENPRESS) On November 9, 2004, the first shipment of "Never Give Up" Wristbands In Memory of all PALS arrived and are now on sale. Already over half of the 10,000-piece shipment has been sold to friends, family, PALS, and ALS advocates across the United States.

The "Never Give Up" project was created and designed by Michelle Rozzen, an avid water polo player and creative arts major at San Jose State University. Her father, David Rozzen, was diagnosed with bulbar onset ALS in June 2002. This devastating disease robbed him of his speech, movement of his hands and feet, and his ability to breathe and eat. "I know that my dad had his tough days, but he put up a long and difficult battle with ALS because he chose to never give up," says Rozzen. Dave's strength and determination to fight and find a cure for ALS is the motivation behind his daughter's wristband project.

Inspired by the Lance Armstrong Foundation's "Live Strong" campaign, the "Never Give Up" wristbands are red in color and feature the slogan "Never Give Up" on the outer front. Inside, there is a special inscription, "in memory of all PALS." "Because of the whole 'Live Strong' popularity, I thought to myself 'why can't we do something similar like this for ALS' because there is so little awareness about the disease," says Rozzen.

The wristbands will be sold for $1 each, and all proceeds will help The ALS Association, Greater Los Angeles Chapter (ALSA-GLAC) support research to find a cure for ALS and provide much-needed services to patients and their families. Both Rozzen and The ALS Association are hoping the "Never Give Up" campaign will become a national phenomenon.

"Please wear your "Never Give Up Wristband" to increase awareness of ALS and to support the work of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of The ALS association," encourages Rozzen. "My family and I would like to make my dad's wish come true and find a cure for ALS."

Michelle Rozzen

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