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  Saturday, July 27th 2024 - 12:55am EDT
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PR Firms

PR FIRM SERVICE - $500 Annually
Press releases submitted by PR Firms do not require approval, however, we do verify each PR Firm application before we approve it. We perform PR Firm checks through independent sources to make sure the individual applying for a PR Firm account does indeed belong to a PR Firm and is authorized and qualified to submit press releases on the company's behalf. Furthermore, press releases submitted to us by PR Firms are automatically submitted to our Professional Press Releases (Pro Prs) section, which also has its own RSS Feed. PR Firm releases will appear underneath the paid releases, but "above the fold" before the non PR Firm releases. PR Firms can submit press releases on behalf of their clients and can also add financial contributions to a press release to have it listed higher on the main front page and Pro Prs front page. The releases submitted by PR Firms can also contain special characters, images and html tags. Because PR Firms get several benefits, we do require an annual subscription fee of $500 for companies to obtain PR Firm status with The Open Press. A paypal link will be sent to you once you've been approved to submit payment.


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