The Open Press - Press Release News Wire
  Saturday, July 27th 2024 - 12:56am EDT
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Services & Fees

Advertising on The Open Press is very easy. We have implemented our own proprietary Graphic Ad system throughout the site. Ads are displayed at random on our website. The ad must be 160 wide x 160 high pixels in size. The ad will run based on weeks purchased. More weeks can be purchased at anytime.

We offer six packages with a two week minimum buy:
1). $80 - 2 weeks at $40/wk
2). $160 - 4 weeks at $40/wk
3). $288 - 8 weeks at $36/wk
4). $442 - 13 weeks at $34/wk
5). $780 - 26 weeks at $30/wk
6). $1352 - 52 weeks at $26/wk

To purchase ads without an account, please sign up for an account. To purchase ads with a pre-existing account, go thru My Profile and click Submit Graphic Ad via the action module. All ads become active as soon as payment is made. With a current ad, you may extend the time your ad is displayed by clicking Extend Time for Graphic Ad.

PR FIRM SERVICE - $500 Annually
Press releases submitted by PR Firms do not require approval, however, we do verify each PR Firm application before we approve it. We perform PR Firm checks through independent sources to make sure the individual applying for a PR Firm account does indeed belong to a PR Firm and is authorized and qualified to submit press releases on the company's behalf. Furthermore, press releases submitted to us by PR Firms are automatically submitted to our Professional Press Releases (Pro Prs) section, which also has its own RSS Feed. PR Firm releases will appear underneath the paid releases, but "above the fold" before the non PR Firm releases. PR Firms can submit press releases on behalf of their clients and can also add financial contributions to a press release to have it listed higher on the main front page and Pro Prs front page. The releases submitted by PR Firms can also contain special characters, images and html tags. Because PR Firms get several benefits, we do require an annual subscription fee of $500 for companies to obtain PR Firm status with The Open Press. A paypal link will be sent to you once you've been approved to submit payment.

By uploading your company logo, your logo will be seen on every press release, article or news story you post on our site. It must be in .JPEG format. It will also be in our company directory. If you are the FEATURED PRESS RELEASE (press release in the blue box on the FRONT PAGE with most stars for the day), your logo will be seen alongside your release to bring more exposure to your company.

The free press release package has been discontinued.

PRESS RELEASE W/ STARS - Starting at $10
Includes HTML formatting and NO FOLLOW links. Press Releases with Stars will also be added to our PRO PR's Section which has its own RSS feed. They will be ranked higher on the website, above PR Firm releases and other releases or "above the fold." Minimum contribution is $10. This release will get more exposure and is a very cost effective way to market your news.
--The press release with the most stars for that day will be the FEATURED PRESS RELEASE and will be in the blue box seen first by our visitors. Add your company logo for $20 which will also be seen if you are the Featured Press Release for more exposure to your company.
-- If you'd like to add a photo to your press release once it is published, you may do so by choosing Upload Photo to any Press Release from My Profile. Choose the release you wish to add the photo to then pay $20.
--Each star added to your release is $10.
--Press Release with Professional Editing is $75 and will have 7 stars once it is published.
-- There is no limit to the quantity of releases you may submit.

Press releases in our Pro PR section (paid and PR Firm submissions) will remain on the site for one year.

ALL Press Releases submitted before 6pm EST are posted at Midnight EST unless a Press Release Rush Order is purchased for $75.

-Standard article or Op-Ed is $10.

NEWS STORIES - $10 each
-All newsworthy stories are $10.

BOOK REVIEWS - Starting at $20
The Book Review section offers a place for authors and publishers alike to promote their books. Listing a book may provide a great chance of exposure and notice when readers use search engines. By having a review published, authors also can include more information that wouldn't be found on other sites. Include an author's bio or a short excerpt to give potential readers that extra incentive to buy your work. There are millions of books available online, let us help them find that diamond in the rough. The $20 service includes cover art, 1000 words of space to write a description or review and will automatically create a link to . The featured book area has the top books listed in order by stars. More stars can be added for just $10 each.


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