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The Acts of Judas
(Read Full Book Review)
ISBN: 1931742847
Genre: Action/Thriller
Author: Georgiann Baldino

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2005-02-09 10:36:59

An ancient scroll, written by Judas Iscariot, puts its discoverer on a collision course with terrorists. Linda Rhodes discovers a manuscript that appears to be from the same period as the Dead Sea Scrolls, but before she can authenticate the relics, Muslim terrorists take control of the archaeology ...

Making a Killing - An End of the World Black Comedy
(Read Full Book Review)
ISBN: 1857760808
Genre: Action/Thriller
Author: William M. Johnson

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2012-06-11 12:12:12

When Dr Ernest Walters and his research team are murdered in the Aguarico Parrot Preserve, news of the deaths has massive repercussions on the Earth Summit, held in the troubled Caribbean paradise of San Pimente. Here, the world's dignitaries and power-brokers are gathering to save the planet, which ...


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