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Tucker's Monster
ISBN: 0982722206
Genre: Action/Thriller
Author: S.S. Wilson

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2010-07-22 10:34:08

Written by screenwriter S.S Wilson whose credits include Tremors and Short Circuit. Set in 1903, Tucker's monster it chronicles the adventures of young zoologist Gerard Whitney when he is hired by wealthy, eccentric cattle rancher, Harold B Tucker. He is soon caught up in Tucker's passion, searching the world for legendary creatures, with the ultimate goal of discovering a live dinosaur. Wide-eyed Whitney learns about werewolves, mummies, ghosts, and even meets a mad scientist. On a more subtle level, Wilson also pokes ample fun at classic horror movie clichés.

While the prose is light-hearted and the action lively and sometimes tense, the novel also explores the darker side of Tucker's obsession. Disappointed time and again in his lifelong goal, he becomes increasingly desperate, and his methods increasingly extreme. Unable to sway Tucker from this path, Whitney has sadly decided to quit his job when a major twist plunges them into an unexpected (and Hollywood sized) climax.