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The Laws of Attraction
ISBN: 1481738690
Genre: Relationships
Author: Michael Ross

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2013-12-25 00:00:20

Deep inside of you resides a person that hungers for something more than this life can ever give. Do you know who you really are or how to properly use your gifts and talents? Are you going to give your soul what it craves or just choose to satisfy your natural appetite? Every day we make choices and today I want to extend this invitation to all of you that are currently seeking a new direction in your life. Join me as we discover the path to your purpose because your destiny isn't lost, it's just waiting for you to unlock the door.

Relationships are the framework that our lives are built upon. The relationship that you have with yourself, others, the world and God are the four primary areas that you will bring to every person that you meet. How healthy you are in each of these areas will help determine if you can be happy in an exclusive relationship called destiny. Many of us have approached dating by gaining independence from our parents, achieving goals, and acquiring possessions. However, the greatest relationship that is overlooked the most is the one between you, your soul, and God. To understand true love you must first learn how to adore your own soul. Now if you can't stomach loving the eternal essence that makes you alive than how could you ever truly love someone else with your whole heart? Achieving your dreams, cultivating your gifts and talents, and discovering your purpose is all within the pages of the Laws of Attraction.

A portion of all of the proceeds from this book will go toward achieving the goals and vision of New Foundation Youth Outreach. You can check it out on the web at Make this manual your choice and allow its pages to inspire you. My book works from the premise: What the eyes see the mind considers-What the mind considers the heart accepts-What the heart accepts the body does.

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