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Why Am I Anxious?
(Read Full Book Review)
ISBN: 1615665714
Genre: Self-Help
Author: Clay Ballentine

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2010-05-01 10:14:14

A self help book for those who suspect they may have thyroid disease, or someone the care about does. It explores in autobiographical fashion, a 51 year lifetime of undiagnosed thyroid disease - the result of a birth defect. In addition, a life around family members who also ...

Procrastination Elimination: Seven Days to Action
(Read Full Book Review)
ISBN: 0595344011
Genre: Self-Help
Author: Susan Lynn Perry

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2005-05-17 18:03:28

Are you ready to take control of your life in as little time as one week? In Procrastination Elimination: Seven Days to Action!, author Susan Lynn Perry will help you define your goals and overcome procrastination so you can finally achieve them. Through real-life examples and simple hands-on ...


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