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Memories of the Little Elephant
(Read Full Book Review)
ISBN: 0979701007
Genre: Children
Author: Nehprii Amenii

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2008-09-24 01:26:30

Synopsis A little girl, named for the memory of the elephant, tells her life story, and thus the story of African peoples from where it truly begins--the beginning of time! Her memory stretches back as far as the stars, to the movement of her family across the globe, ...

Imogene of the Pacific Kingdom
(Read Full Book Review)
ISBN: 1412016428
Genre: Children
Author: Teresa Saari

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2004-12-30 21:27:09

Imogene is five when she is left to live with an unkind aunt. At the age of ten she is reunited with her parents and discovers that she is the princess of an underwater kingdom! ...

Milton's Dilemma
(Read Full Book Review)
ISBN: 0965166198
Genre: Children
Author: Patricia Gatto & John De Angelis

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2004-06-01 21:34:16

Fantastic Book for Children About Bullying Ten-year-old Milton Hastings, Jr. knew that moving to Smithville wouldn't be better like his Mother said. After all, Milton was used to moving, seeing as how his Father, Sergeant Hastings, a war hero who died the previous year, was always being transferred ...


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