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Future Electronics Presents Sensor Wireless Security Seminar In Rennes, France
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2024-05-23 00:01:25

Future Electronics was delighted to host the 11th edition of the Sensor Wireless Security (SWS) seminar, which covered the latest innovations in wireless sensor security technology, cybe rsecurity, and more.

Future Electronics Hosts Inaugural Wellness Day For Employees
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2024-03-29 00:01:52

Future Electronics hosted its inaugural 'Wellness Day' at Corporate headquarters. The event underscored Future Electronics' commitment to fostering a culture of health and happiness in the workplace.

Future Electronics Celebrates The 25th Milestone Service Anniversary Of Millie Shen
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2024-03-22 00:01:14

Future Electronics is celebrating longtime employee Millie Shen for 25 years of service with the Company.

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