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Future Electronics Presents Sensor Wireless Security Seminar In Rennes, France

Submitted by: Leopard Imaging Inc.

2024-05-23 00:01:25 digg facebook Email twitter print

Future Electronics was delighted to host the 11th edition of the Sensor Wireless Security (SWS) seminar, which covered the latest innovations in wireless sensor security technology, cybe rsecurity, and more.

(OPENPRESS) Future Electronics will host the 11th Sensor Wireless Security (SWS) seminar in May, providing attendees with a unique opportunity to explore the latest innovations in wireless sensor security technology.

At the seminar, participants are invited to engage in insightful discussions and enjoy innovative demonstrations from Future Electronics' suppliers and leading manufacturers in the field of wireless security, including Ambiq, Amphenol, OSRAM, and Bosch Sensortec among others.

Topics to be covered include cybersecurity updates presented by Future Electronics, CE RED implementation, and an introduction to the Zephyr OS by a representative from The Linux Foundation.

The event, to be held at the Rennes Congress Centre, facilitates valuable networking opportunities and knowledge sharing among industry professionals and experts in the field of wireless security technology.

Future Electronics is delighted to arrange this collaborative effort to advance the future of wireless security.

About Future Electronics
Founded in 1968, Future Electronics is a global leader in the electronic components industry. Future Electronics' award-winning customer service, global supply chain programs and industry-leading engineering design services have made the company a strategic partner of choice.

Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, Future Electronics operates in 170 offices across 47 countries with over 5,200 employees. Its worldwide presence powers the company's outstanding service and efficient, comprehensive global supply chain solutions. Future Electronics is globally integrated and supported by one IT infrastructure which provides real-time inventory availability and enables fully integrated operations, sales and marketing services worldwide.

Future Electronics' mission is always to Delight the Customer®. For more information visit

Media Contact
Jamie Singerman
Corporate Vice President Worldwide
Future Electronics
Fax: 514-693-6051

Contact Info

Leopard Imaging Inc.
Phone: +1 408-263-0988
910 Auburn Ct, Fremont, CA, 94538, USA

Release Info

Metro Area: ALL REGIONS (Including International) Read More from this Metro Area
Country: Canada Read more from this Country
Industry: Consumer: Electronics Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: Future Electronics, Rennes France, CE RED, Sensor Wireless Security, SWS, cybersecurity, Zephyr OS, The Linux Foundation, Wireless Security, Ambiq, OSRAM, Bosch Sensortec
Press Company: Future Electronics
Press Site:


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