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New Fantasy Novel: Nethermost Regained By Nancy Guild Bendall

Submitted by: Meade House Press

2018-10-26 00:01:49 digg facebook Email twitter print

"It's Literary Candy!" says Judith Beirel Dyck.

(OPENPRESS) Meade House Press is thrilled to be launching Nancy Guild Bendall's second novel, Nethermost Regained. This illustrated fantasy has both heart and humour in abundance, but what is so special about Nethermost Regained is that many of its chapters are partnered with 31 exquisitely detailed digital paintings, portraits, and sketches which both inspire and guide the narrative. It is truly a beautiful book!

What it's about …

Somewhere deep beneath the massive root system of our northern Canadian forest lies the continent of Nethermost, floating on a pool of liquid gold — Nethermost, an underground realm, home to magical & non-magical folk, a prosperous society with a consistently temperate climate, secreted on Earth's second layer under unexplored wilderness — until four decades ago.

Now it is a realm brought to its knees, many citizens in exile, its climate in ruins. Eighteen year old Cait O'Quinn knows nothing of the continent of Nethermost, let alone of its grim plight. Raised in virtual captivity at the edge of nowhere Canada, she is self-deprecating and unsure. After being convinced that the fate of Nethermost rests on her uneasy shoulders, Cait's panic is palpable — "I'm just a stupid girl of little significance, leading a very dull life on a very small bump in the road. What do you want from me?"

Ebook version — ISBN: 978-1-9994000-0-2 (November release)
Print book — ISBN: 978-0-9939049-9-8 (greyscale version)
Print book — ISBN: 978-1-9994000-2-6 (colour version)

Contact Info

Meade House Press
Phone: 1-519-8069311
20010 Main Street
Alton ON L7K 0C2

Release Info

Metro Area: ALL REGIONS (Including International) Read More from this Metro Area
Country: Canada Read more from this Country
Industry: Art & Entertainment: Books Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: Fantasyfiction, illustrated, novel, adventure, humor
Press Company: Meade House Press
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