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PAN1740A Bluetooth 5 RF Module from Panasonic Featured in THE EDGE by Future Electronics
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2021-12-14 00:01:59

Future Electronics is featuring Panasonic's PAN1740A series of low energy RF modules in this month's IoT & Connectivity edition of THE EDGE.

Conneqt & Announce Strategic Partnership To Accelerate Digital Workforce Adoption
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2021-03-18 00:01:50

Joins hands through industry's first E-workforce platform that delivers superior process outcomes to customers over traditional BPO offerings

24ieye Launches Real Time Media Monitoring Services
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2021-02-18 00:01:25

24ieye is an important tool to manage reputation, to better understand on who is talking about the brand online, what is going on in social media profiles.

Future Electronics Is Introducing Laird Connectivity Sterling-lwb5+ Wi-fi & Bluetooth Module
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2021-01-18 00:01:15

Future Electronics is featuring Laird Connectivity's Sterling-LWB5+ Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Module in a recent newsletter.

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