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"Profile in Silver" Announced as 2014 Feature Film

Submitted by: The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust

2011-03-10 00:00:44

(OPENPRESS) March 10, 2011 -- Jesulu Productions announced today that J. Neil Schulman's famous 1985 script, "Profile in Silver," will be the basis for its feature film production for a 2014 theatrical release with that same title.

In 1983 author/screenwriter, J. Neil Schulman, outlined a feature film titled "November 22, 1963," about a future history professor who time-travels back to Dallas on that date and prevents the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, creating an alternate time-line.

Schulman first submitted "November 22, 1963" to Herb and Rob Jaffe's Vista Films, to whom Schulman had just sold another screen treatment, "All the King's Horses."

In 1985 Schulman's writer friend, Alan Brennert -- now one of the writer-producers developing a revived Twilight Zone series for CBS -- commissioned Schulman to write "November 22, 1963" for the anthology series. Retitled "Profile in Silver" Schulman's script was broadcast March 7, 1986, on Episode 20 of The Twilight Zone, along with a second segment titled "Button, Button." "Button, Button" was remade as the 2009 Cameron Diaz / Frank Langella feature film, The Box.

Now Jesulu Productions is announcing that it is in development of a feature-length theatrical film based on Schulman's original outline for "November 22, 1963" to be titled "Profile in Silver."

The title is a reference to the 1964 Kennedy silver half dollar with a profile of the just slain JFK, which in the story is shown to a still-alive President Kennedy after the future history professor prevents JFK's assassination in Dallas.

"Profile in Silver" is one of J. Neil Schulman's best-known stories. There's a Wikipedia article on it. It plays in regular rotation on the Chiller Network and the Sifi Channel. It's included on the Twilight Zone series boxed-set DVDs. The original script is included in Schulman's 1999 book, Profile In Silver and Other Screenwritings. The episode has an average IMDb User rating of 8.7 out of 10.

J. Neil Schulman was the screenwriter/director/producer for Jesulu Productions 2008 suspense comedy feature, Lady Magdalene's, starring the original Star Trek's Lt. Uhura, Nichelle Nichols; and Schulman is currently in pre-production for Jesulu to direct his own screenplay adaptation of his highly-praised 1979 novel, Alongside Night, as a near-future action feature. Jesulu Productions is also in development of a feature film titled Escape from Heaven, which Schulman adapted from his 2002 novel of that title.

J. Neil Schulman will write a new screenplay for "Profile in Silver," and intends to direct it.

Contact Info

The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust
Phone: (775) 751-0770
150 S. Highway 160, Suite C-8, #234
Pahrump, NV 89048

Release Info

Metro Area: Las Vegas, NV-AZ Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Art & Entertainment: Movies Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: Kennedy,JFK,assassination,time-travel,alternate,history,Twilight Zone
Press Company: Jesulu Productions
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