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Politicians Crucified By Serial Killer - Author Richard Godwin Releases

Submitted by: Free Publicity Focus Group

2011-03-09 00:16:54

(OPENPRESS) March 9, 2011 -- Author and playwright Richard Godwin has announced the release of his new dark fiction novel 'Apostle Rising'. The book is a compelling psychological thriller about a psychopathic serial killer who crucifies politicians. Godwin's writing style has been compared to Ken Bruen and John Connolly.

Detective Chief Inspector Frank Castle never caught the Woodlands Killer and it almost destroyed him. Now many years later and still suffering from nightmares, he is faced with a copycat killer with detailed inside knowledge of the original case. Someone is crucifying politicians, and Castle and his partner DI Jacki Stone enter a labyrinth. At its center is the man Castle believes was responsible for the first killings. He's running a sinister cult and playing mind games with the police. And the ritualistic killer keeps raising the stakes and slipping through their hands. The body count is rising. Castle employs a brilliant psychologist to help him solve the case, and he begins to dig into the killer's psyche. But some psychopaths are cleverer than others.

"I wrote Apostle Rising," stated Godwin, "for every reader of crime and horror fiction out there. I wrote it for anyone who likes a guessing game. I wrote it for anyone who is interested in why crimes occur, and for anyone who likes a good novel, strong characters, a dramatic story and is interested in psychology."

Vincent Zandri, author of 'As Catch Can' and 'The Remains' stated that 'Apostle Rising' is a "noir tour-de-force that will leave you breathless and teary-eyed". Scott Phillips, bestselling author of 'The Ice Harvest' said, "Richard Godwin's 'Apostle Rising' is a police procedural and psychological thriller of the first order. If you love Ken Bruen and John Connolly, Godwin's the man you'll be following next."

Mr. Godwin is available for media interview and can be reached using the information below or by email at A recent radio interview on The Authors Show is available at his website. The book trailer for Apostle Rising can be viewed at More information is available at the site at

Richard Godwin
MARCH 2011
ISBN: 978-0-9567113-0-4
Black Jackal Books
143 Kingston Road
London SW19 1LJ
Distributed by: Book Masters/Atlas Books

Richard Godwin is a crime and horror writer as well as a produced playwright. He was born in London and obtained a BA and MA in English and American Literature from King's College London. He has traveled extensively and lectured, and worked in property. Many of his stories have appeared in magazines. His works in print include 'Chemical', published in the Anthology Back in 5 Minutes (Little Episodes Publishing 2010), 'Doll', published in Howl: Tales of the Feral And Infernal (Lame Goat Press 2010), 'Face off' in CrimeFactory Issue #5 (CreateSpace 2010), 'Pike N Flytrap' in Needle Magazine (Lulu 2010) and 'Mother' in Tainted Tea (Lulu 2011). His Chin Wags At the Slaughterhouse are interviews he has conducted with writers and can be found at his blog on his website where you can also find a full list of his works and a video ad for his new book. He divides his time between London and the US.

Contact Info

Free Publicity Focus Group
Phone: 910-842-9248
2259 Camelia Dr.
Supply NC 28462

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Metro Area: Wilmington, NC Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Business Services Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: Richard Godwin, author, apostle rising, serial killers, murder, horror, assassination, killer, fiction, books, politics, criminal justice, detective
Press Company: Richard Godwin
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