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Three-Decade-Old Milton-Friedman-Endorsed Novel Projecting Economic Meltdown Goes Viral on Web

Submitted by: The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust

2009-10-03 00:08:33

(OPENPRESS) October 3, 2009 -- In 1979 J. Neil Schulman's first novel, Alongside Night, was released in hardcover by Crown Publishers, with endorsements from Nobel-laureate-in-economics, Milton Friedman and literary lion Anthony Burgess. The novel projected a future when the United States is in a final state of collapse due to the federal government overspending and hyper-inflating the dollar to pay its foreign creditors.

Now, three decades after its original publication -- and with many of the novel's projections eerily reflecting reality -- Alongside Night has become a viral phenomenon on the World Wide Web.

On June 13, 2009, the novel's current publisher -- -- released a new 30th Anniversary PDF eBook edition of Alongside Night as a free download on the web from On September 30, 2009 the number of Alongside Night eBook downloads passed 50,000 copies. This number of downloads was accomplished without a dime of advertising, and with no publicity coverage whatsoever from any major media outlet -- no television, talk radio, magazine, newspaper, or major media website. It was a completely viral Internet phenomenon driven by bloggers, podcasters, and one YouTube interview with the author.

In a June 22, 2009 article by Rachel Deahl on, Mundania Press president and publisher Daniel J. Reitz --whose publishing firm houses a number of imprints that publish romance, sci-fi, mystery and YA, among other genres, and has some 600 authors on its list-- reported "that his house's e-books sell, on average, 100 to 200 copies in their first month. There are exceptions, however. Marie Rochelle, one of Mundania's biggest sellers, who specializes in interracial romances, moved 4,000 to 5,000 copies in her first month in the e-book format and several thousand print copies."

The PDF eBook edition of Alongside Night had, by comparison, 22,645 downloads in its first two weeks of availability from first release on June 13, 2009 through June 30, 2009 -- to repeat, without any advertising or major media publicity.

A Wikipedia article on Alongside Night describes it as "a Prometheus Award winning libertarian and anarchist dystopian novel by science fiction writer J. Neil Schulman first published in 1979 by Crown Publishers. Subsequent paperback editions have been released by Ace Books in 1982, Avon Books in 1987, in 1999, and Amazon Kindle in 2009. The book focuses on the character of Elliot, the son of a fictional economist and Nobel Laureate, and his experiences in a police state United States in the near future. The novel's economic projections of the United States in economic meltdown have recently been noted as eerily reflecting current real-world developments."

Wikipedia also reports, "The author has recently completed a screenplay adaptation and in addition to a feature film production a new graphic novel, audiobook, and Massively Multiplayer Online Game are being planned."

Alongside Night's honors include being inducted into the Libertarian Futurist Society's Prometheus Hall of Fame in 1989 -- its first year of eligibility -- and its selection as Freedom Book of the Month for May, 2009 by the Freedom Book Club.

No personal information from the downloader is requested by's website in order to download the novel for free. The free PDF edition of Alongside Night includes pages of display advertising in between chapters -- mostly of books, films, products, and services of interest to libertarians.

Milton Friedman's letter of endorsement on Alongside Night reads, "An absorbing novel--science fiction, yet also a cautionary tale with a disturbing resemblance to past history and future possibilities."

Anthony Burgess's endorsement reads, "I received Alongside Night at noon today. It is now eight in the evening and I just finished it. I think I am entitled to some dinner now as I had no lunch. The unputdownability of the book ensured that. It is a remarkable and original story, and the picture it presents of an inflation- crippled America on the verge of revolution is all too acceptable. I wish, and so will many novelists, that I, or they, had thought of the idea first. A thrilling novel, crisply written, that fires the imagination as effectively as it stimulates the feelings."

Congressman Ron Paul endorsed Alongside Night in 2009, saying, "J. Neil Schulman's Alongside Night may be even more relevant today than it was in 1979. Hopefully, the special thirtieth anniversary edition of this landmark work of libertarian science fiction will inspire a new generation of readers to learn more about the ideas of liberty and become active in the freedom movement."

Full information on Alongside Night is available on its official website at The Alongside Night Facebook Group also updates Facebook members on the novel.

Full information on J. Neil Schulman and his subsequent career as a novelist, screenwriter, journalist, publisher, and filmmaker are on his personal website at, on Facebook at, on LinkedIn at, and on Wikipedia at .

Contact Info

The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust
Phone: (775) 751-0770
150 S. Highway 160, Suite C-8, #234
Pahrump, NV 89048

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Metro Area: Las Vegas, NV-AZ Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Art & Entertainment: Movies Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: fiction,inflation,economics,crisis,free-market,underground,revolution,capitalism,money,fiat,dollar,collapse,thriller,adventure,publishing,award
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