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Don't Forget Your Student Insurance - Parents Must Make Sure They Arrange Cover

Submitted by: JML Training and Property Services

2008-08-25 23:04:31

(OPENPRESS) August 26, 2008 -- The A level results are now out and the annual University intake arrangements are under way. In the last few days two surveys have been published by NatWest and the Halifax showing living costs and according to the NatWest survey 42 per cent of the student population will be in part time employment when they start this academic year.

The Halifax research has revealed that accommodation costs on average in the UK are £74.70 per week. On top of this the average student was spending over £109 per week taking into account food, transport, course books and leisure activities.

Philip Suter of believes that one item that many tenants do not spend money on is insurance for their personal belongings whilst they are undertaking their Uni course.

Philip said "Many students attitude would be that their computer or bike would never be stolen so why take out insurance."

These days the average student has a computer, ipod, mobile phone plus a bicycle. There can be a lot of valuable equipment and insurance companies like HomeLet and Endsleigh offer policies for student tenants. The average cost of a student burglary is £900? The most commonly stolen items are personal laptops / computers and other electrical goods. A student has to think about the cost of replacing a cd player, the cds as well, the computer, clothes and other personal belongings.

Philip went on to say" It is really the responsibility of the parents to make sure that their son or daughter's possessions are properly insured whilst they are away at college or university. In most cases this is probably the first time they have lived away from home and don't even think of the insurance issue. When my younger son was a student, I always arranged contents insurance for him as I know he would never have considered it himself."

Students tend to move around a fair bit during the course of their studies, in some cases to another university in a different city. Many of the student rental policies are portable so not only can they be changed from one student house to another in the same area, but also to other cities in the UK.

More information can be found at the jml insurance website

jml is part of jml Property Services, the trading name of Jeffrey Milner Ltd. The company is an UK based company that was established in 1979. jml insurance acts as an introducer for insurance companies selling property insurance including landlord and tenant rental products, pet insurance, wedding insurance, motor insurance, car hire excess insurance, travel insurance and non standard insurance products. Originally for rental property insurance in 2002 with products like HomeLet and Letsure, other specialist products like car rental excess insurance from were soon added. Today there is a very large selection of products including specialist providers for ex-offenders, overseas property insurance, business maternity cover etc. They also operate an online marketing service for owners of holiday home property to advertise and are part of the jml Group that includes jml Training and Consultancy. Philip Suter has been involved in the letting business in the south of England for over 30 years.

Contact Info

JML Training and Property Services
Phone: 014954 489908191
PO Box 80
Princes Risborough
HP27 0WA

Release Info

Metro Area: ALL REGIONS (Including International) Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United Kingdom Read more from this Country
Industry: Business Services Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: Student, student insurance,Tenant insurance,HomeLet,Endsleigh,Halifax,NatWest
Press Company: JML Training and Property Services
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