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Northwest Growth Financing Conference Attracts Record 80 Investment Firms

Submitted by: Nancy S. Juetten Marketing Inc. and Authentic Visibility

2008-07-28 23:05:17

Seattle, WA (OPENPRESS) July 29, 2008 -- The Northwest Growth Financing Conference is attracting a record number of investment firms representing a record amount of capital to the August 7, event, said Franz von Bradsky, chairman of the conference.

Investment professionals from 80 of the nation's leading private equity funds and mezzanine/subordinated debt funds with more than $80 billion of capital under management and to invest are slated to attend the conference, which will be held at the Bell Harbor Conference Center.

Von Bradsky, who is also president of Green Tree Capital and chaired the event in 2006 and 2007, is on track to sell out the conference for the third year in a row. About 75 investment firm attended in 2007. The conference is sponsored by the Association for Corporate Growth's (ACG) Seattle chapter.

"In today's sluggish economy, companies who need money to grow better have a short list of appropriate firms they can turn to for help," said von Bradsky. "Because Seattle has many mid-market companies but only a handful of private equity firms and no mezzanine lenders, the conference is a perfect way for companies to make quality connections with people who can help them grow."

For Beth Page, a regional director of The Riverside Company in Los Angeles, and Mark Jones, a partner at River Associates Investments, LLC in Chattanooga, TN, the Northwest Growth Financing Conference is a "must-attend" event and something they "wouldn't miss." The quality of the connections they've made at the two past sold-out conferences have been invaluable, they said. They love the size of the event and that it's well attended by investment bankers and equity firms from around the country.

Throughout the event day, highly experienced investment professionals will chair panels that will address timely topics such as:

- Private Equity - There's Plenty of It and How to Get It
- The Credit Crunch - Surviving and Thriving
- Price versus Value - Bridging the Gap
- Mezzanine Debt - a Viable Source of Growth Capital in Good Times and Bad
- Structuring the Debt Component of Leveraged Transactions During Tumultuous Credit Markets

The Middle Market Financing Round-Up closes out the program and provides attendees with the opportunity to meet investment professionals from the nation's leading private equity funds and mezzanine/subordinated debt funds in a trade show atmosphere.

To learn more and to register for the August 7, 2008 Northwest Growth Financing Conference, visit

About ACG
ACG was founded in 1954 as a forum for corporate leaders and other professionals to exchange ideas and address pertinent issues related to both internal and external corporate growth. Its mission is to foster and facilitate sound corporate growth that takes the shape of high quality and rising earnings and increased shareholder value. It is the premier global association for senior executives involved in corporate growth and development and merger and acquisition decisions. Today there are over 11,000 members in 53 chapters in North America and Europe. To learn more visit

Contact Info

Nancy S. Juetten Marketing Inc. and Authentic Visibility
Phone: 425 641 5214
13605 SE 50th Place, Bellevue, WA 98006

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Press Keywords: Franz von Bradsky,Northwest Growth Financing Conference, Seattle, mezzanine, mezzanine finance, finance, business, capital,investment,
Press Company: Nancy S. Juetten Marketing Inc.
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