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ByteShield™ Releases Windows Vista Version of Best Available Anti-Piracy Software Solution

Submitted by: Strategic Reach PR

2008-07-15 23:02:43

San Francisco, CA (OPENPRESS) July 16, 2008 -- ByteShield Inc., a leading provider of user and developer friendly software management, today announced the release of ByteShield Software Usage Management for Microsoft® Windows® Vista.

"Most new Windows software is now released both for XP and for Vista - now too the best software protection is available for both operating systems" said Jan Samzelius, CEO of ByteShield. "Vendors and users are both frustrated with existing DRM solutions that fail to protect against piracy because they are usually cracked quickly yet they inconvenience honest customers. At ByteShield we take on the 'bad guys' but not at the expense of inconveniencing the 'good guys' - our solution offers extremely strong protection without negatively impacting honest users."

In effect ByteShield's technological approach to protecting software acknowledges that any protection created by man can eventually be cracked by man given sufficient time, effort and hardware. The real issues are the number of hurdles involved, the time to overcome each, whether they must be overcome one at a time or can be programmatically overcome. Conventional software protection technologies (Copy Protection/DRM) are often based on only a few hurdles and usually cracked quickly. In contrast ByteShield's Software Usage Management (SUM) has high numbers of multiple hurdles, including removal of small but critical pieces of the code it protects and replacement of them at run-time. A cracker is forced to find and 'fix' one piece at a time. Even if a cracker can 'fix' each independent and different hurdle, each one will take a certain amount of time and if there 1,000, 10,000 or even 100,000 pieces of code need to be 'fixed', one by one, then the total cracking effort required will simply be too great to be worthwhile.

ByteShield's technology not only achieves this novel approach to software protection but does so with extremely low or no performance impact on the execution speed of the protected software.

About ByteShield
ByteShield is the first affordable, software-based, strong solution that actually works and is user and developer friendly. Once usage is controlled, various new business models can enable additional revenue generation (e.g. rental, subscription, SaaS). ByteShield, which is a privately held California corporation, was established in September, 2004 with headquarters in San Francisco, California. To find out more, visit or call +1 415 420 6636.

Press Queries:
Lauren Koziel 

Strategic Reach PR 


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Contact Info

Strategic Reach PR
Phone: Not Given
7100 N. Broadway
Suite 2-P
Denver, CO 80221

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Metro Area: Denver, CO Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Advertising / Marketing Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: ByteShield, Windows Vista, Anti-Piracy
Press Company: ByteShield
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