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Lawsuit Financial Announces Capped Funding for Plaintiffs

Submitted by: Edge Legal Marketing

2008-07-01 23:09:02

Southfield, MI (OPENPRESS) July 2, 2008 -- Lawsuit Financial Corporation (, a leading litigation funding company, today announces maximum amount, capped legal funding to provide plaintiffs and attorneys a better understanding of their lawsuit funding obligations during the final settlement negotiation process. An "end-game" negotiation policy is also available when case results are less than expected.

"When using a lawsuit finance company, complex pricing formulas often prevent plaintiffs from truly understanding their total legal funding obligation upon settlement which can cause sticker shock when the final amount is tabulated," states attorney Mark Bello, owner and founder of Lawsuit Financial. "To eliminate this from happening to a plaintiff, we have implemented capped funding for all lawsuit funding transactions. Thus, once a plaintiff reaches the plateau that is outlined in the contract, their payback amount cannot increase, no matter how long the case takes to resolve. This is especially important for those cases that go on for longer than anticipated."
Lawsuit Financial will also compromise its case funding profits when a desired/anticipated settlement is less than the amount the attorney anticipated when the case was funded. If the case fails, the repayment obligation is completely excused.

Lawsuit funding is available to take financial pressure off litigation plaintiffs and attorneys by providing a non-recourse cash advance, allowing a case to proceed through the legal process without pressure to settle early to ensure a case results in a settlement both client and attorney deserve.

About Lawsuit Financial
Lawsuit Financial ( has been in business for 10 years and specializes in delivering lawsuit funding during the pre-settlement stage of trial so plaintiffs can focus on their pending case - not their financial responsibilities. Lawsuit Financial will fund many types of litigation including malpractice, personal injury, product liability, wrongful death, auto accident, premises liability/slips & falls, and employment suits, among others. Lawsuit Financial will also fund litigation costs, structured settlements, expert witness fees, pending attorney fees, living expenses, medical bills, and mortgage payments.

Mark Bello
Lawsuit Financial Corp
29777 Telegraph Road
Suite 1310
Southfield, MI 48034

Contact Info

Edge Legal Marketing
Phone: 732-533-5491

Release Info

Metro Area: Newark, NJ Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Advertising / Marketing Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: Lawsuit Financial capped legal funding litigation litigation funding plaintiff settlement lawsuit funding pre-settlement
Press Company: Lawsuit Financial
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