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New Debt Service for People in California

Submitted by: American Debt Advisor

2008-06-18 23:02:56

(OPENPRESS) June 19, 2008 -- A three year old debt information website for people living in California is now offering a debt relief quote matching service on their website. The service allows people with credit card debt can receive a variety of quotes from verified debt relief companies from a form on The services included are debt consolidation, debt settlement, and credit counseling.

Joe Bettman is the website administrator explained why they added the service. "We were getting a couple emails day from people asking us where they can get help. We decided to partner with some financial companies who specialize in dealing with consumer credit card debt."

The companies CDC deals with are approved national debt consolidation, debt settlement, or credit counseling companies. Joe believes this is what separates them from most of the other debt help related websites. "Not everyone is in the same situation, some people are better off with consolidation while others might be better suited for debt settlement or credit counseling. Users will input their information into a form on our website and then they will receive quotes and offers from up to three different companies via email or telephone."

People use these debt relief services when they can no longer afford their monthly payments and creditors are calling. The companies can help people with a variety of methods. They can help work with you creditors to get a lower rate while teaching you better financial management.

Credit card debt is one of the toughest debts to deal with during difficult financial times. With the cost of most consumer goods going up some people are looking at ways to save money. A lower monthly credit card payment is one solution. If you are starting to have debt issues then you should visit the CDC website to explore all your options.

Contact Info

American Debt Advisor
Phone: Not Given

Release Info

Metro Area: Orange County, CA Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Consumer Financial Services Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: california debt, california debt help, debt consolidation service, debt settlement quote, california, debt, help
Press Company: California Debt Consolidation
Press Site:


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