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More Than 50% Developers Are Moving From Flash to HTML5

Submitted by: I-Newswire

2012-01-16 18:55:14

Wuhan (OPENPRESS) January 16, 2012 - Since the concept of "HTML5" come into being, internet industry has witnessed the rapid development and changes brought by this new technology. As time step into 2012, more developers are moving from Flash to HTML5.

According to the latest survey of Evans Data, the statistics tell us the truth-developers are flocking to HTML5. Evans Data's Global Development Survey covers 1200 developers globally in November and December 2011; the result shows that although HTML5 is still at work in progress, developers are already committed to it. There is 43% of developers are using HTML5 in North America; 39% in Europe, Middle East and Africa region; an even greater number of 58% in Asia Pacific area. Adding in planned use brought the totals to over 3/4 across the region. When asked about importance in the development cycle, HTML5 came in 20 percent higher on average across regions than either Flash or Silverlight.

"There isn't any question about the adoption of HTML5-it's already the de facto standard" said Janel Garvin, CEO of Evans Data, in a statement. "There is special strength in HTML5 for mobile and cross-platform mobile apps, which is the direction the industry is moving for client devices, and that has made it extremely attractive to developers everywhere in the world. We see the most strength in Asia, a region that is generally quick to adopt new technologies."

As developers are transferring from Flash to HTML5, more HTML5 relating apps come into being, and Flash to HTML5 Online is one of them. Flash to HTML5 is a free and online service of SourceTec that converts SWF to HTML5 animation, and helps you to play on HTML5 supported browsers. It meets the demand that more developers are catching on HTML5; as they providing supports of HTML5 in their core products, Flash to HTML5 Online help them complete the work with ease and efficiency.

In 2012, it is estimated that the trend will continue to grow; there will be much more developers start HTML5 app works, and also, there will be much more developers using Flash to HTML5 Online.

About SourceTec Software Co., LTD.
Established in July 1997, SourceTec Software Co., LTD. is one of the most reputable and outstanding shareware and freeware providers in the world. It specializes in Flash authoring tools, Multimedia, Video and DVD software with the vision of driving better user experience. SourceTec Software always sticks to creatively building and delivering prominent service for worldwide range of customers. And is one of its subordinate official sites devoting into professional Flash authoring products and services.

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Contact Info

Phone: 201-724-2391
Website: Not Given
372 Wildrose Ave.
Bergenfield, NJ 07621

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Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Advertising / Marketing Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: Flash,html5,Flash to HTML5
Press Company: SourceTec Software
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