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Medix Staffing Solutions Initiates New Social Media Crusade

Submitted by: Medix Staffing Solutions

2011-05-17 00:10:26

Lombard, IL (OPENPRESS) May 17, 2011 -- Medix Staffing Solutions, Inc., a national staffing organization specialized in recruiting skilled personnel for clients in the Professional Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare and Information Technology industries, recently launched a new initiative to utilize social media outlets in an effort to broaden the company's influence and reach current and potential customers on a new level.

"It is amazing the staggering number of consumers that are active participants in social media platforms, with Facebook alone quoting 500 million users," said Medix's Director of Corporate Operations Scott Diamond. "The goal of any business should be to go where your consumers are and identify their needs. Social media is where our consumers are, and it's important that we be there as a company as well."

Medix's comprehensive social media push extends to platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Blogger. "We are leveraging different angles to reach the various types of audiences our consumers comprise," said Diamond. One platform the company has put a great deal of emphasis and resources into is Facebook. The Medix Facebook page presents frequent posts highlighting interviewing and job search tips, pictures and videos featuring Medix's internal staff, and a job board where jobseekers can search and apply for jobs they are interested in. "With the extensive popularity and scope of Facebook, we realize a lot of the consumers we want to reach and talent that we want to attract internally are using this tool. We want to put a face to Medix, speak directly with our consumers and work with them personally to help satisfy their needs and questions," said Diamond.

The premise of the company's LinkedIn, Twitter and Blogger profiles serve a similar purpose, and focus mostly on diffusing useful and pertinent information. Industry articles are posted on LinkedIn, and company updates and personalized tips are posted several times daily on Medix's Twitter feed. The newest addition to Medix's social media arsenal, its blog, offers up articles and entries on all facets of the employment industry, directed both to job seekers and employers.

"The gap between 'social' and 'professional' is narrowing, and many people are using these once strictly social sites for very professional purposes," said Diamond. "It was important for us to find a venue where consumers can respond directly to us with their feedback, and where we can become a resource for them. Staffing is an industry rooted in serving people, not just simply making sales. We wouldn't be doing our job if we were not serving our consumers the information and answers they need in the most effective means possible."

To check out Medix Staffing Solution's social media pages, please visit:

About Medix Staffing Solutions, Inc.
As one of the Nation's fastest growing staffing firms, Medix provides recruitment and staffing services to clients representing a variety of industries. Currently, our staffing focus includes placing qualified professionals from our Professional Services, Life Sciences, Healthcare and Information Technology divisions. We have earned our reputation as an industry leader by providing unsurpassed customer service and top quality professionals to our clients. For more information, call (866) 44MEDIX or visit

Contact Info

Medix Staffing Solutions
Phone: 866-446-3349

Release Info

Metro Area: Chicago, IL Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Business Services Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: social media, Medix blog, Medix facebook, blog, employment blog, Medix twitter, employment information
Press Company: Medix Staffing Solutions
Press Site:


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