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Zyprexa Settlements Unresolved

Submitted by: Watchtower Whistleblower

2010-02-19 11:33:33

(OPENPRESS) February 19, 2010 -- Eli Lilly Zyprexa can cause diabetes

I took Zyprexa a powerful Lilly schizophrenic drug for 4 years it was prescribed to me off-label for post traumatic stress disorder was ineffective costly and gave me diabetes.

This is a powerful drug that can damage a young person physiologically for life.

Please take with caution and learn as much as you can about side effects.

Eli Lilly's #1 cash cow Zyprexa drug sale $38 billion dollars so far, has a ten times greater risk of causing type 2 diabetes over the non-user of Zyprexa.

So, here we have a conflict of interest that this same company also is a big profiteer of diabetes treatment.

The Zyprexa antipsychotic drug, whose side effects can include weight gain and diabetes, was sold for "children in foster care, people who have trouble sleeping, elderly in nursing homes."

*Five at Five* was the Zyprexa sales rep slogan, meaning 5mg dispensed at 5pm would keep patients quiet.

Google * Eli Lilly Zyprexa * and read the links.

I took Zyprexa it gave me diabetes and was as addictive as tobacco. How so? Because withdrawal is accompanied by severe insomnia for 6 weeks.

Daniel Haszard Zyprexa Whistle-blower

[Zyprexa side effects, interactions, and effectiveness:
Top overall drug interactions, side effects of Zyprexa:
Name Count (% of total incidents)
1 Diabetes mellitus 3,728 (10.29%)
2 Weight increased 2,758 (7.61%)
3 Pancreatitis 1,519 (4.19%)
4 Pyrexia 1,304 (3.60%)
5 Condition aggravated 1,171 (3.23%)
6 Hypertension 1,124 (3.10%)
7 Diabetic ketoacidosis 1,074 (2.97%)
8 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 1,069 (2.95%)
9 Completed suicide 1,048 (2.89%)
10 Agitation 1,020 (2.82%)

Top long term (1+ years on Zyprexa) drug interactions, side effects of Zyprexa:
Name Count (% of total reports)
1 Diabetes mellitus 1,360 (44.21%)
2 Weight increased 582 (18.92%)
3 Pancreatitis 523 (17.00%)
4 Hypertension 479 (15.57%)
5 Hyperglycaemia 368 (11.96%)
6 Blood triglycerides increased 352 (11.44%)
7 Diabetes mellitus non-insulin-dependent 326 (10.60%)
8 Diabetic ketoacidosis 322 (10.47%)
9 Metabolic disorder 304 (9.88%)
10 Obesity 301 (9.79%)

Overall effectiveness of Zyprexa * :
not at all somewhat moderate high very high
Zyprexa 4.84% 28.23% 28.23% 30.65% 8.06%

This is a powerful drug that can damage a young person physiologically for life. Please take with caution and learn as much as you can about side effects.

Contact Info

Watchtower Whistleblower
Phone: 207-433-7627
POB 1503 Bangor Maine 04402-1503


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