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Universal Declaration Stop Stealing Our Money, We Want Our Money Back

Submitted by: Louis IV Liberty

2012-11-02 16:52:12

(OPENPRESS) Bruceton Mills, WV - We the undersigned, are Freemen and Free-women on the soil. We seek equal rights and liberty, whether Tea Party Members, a Patriot, Libertarian, conservative, all claim to be freedom lovers, in solidarity. All claim recognition of the Common Law, our 1789 Constitution of the united States of America, and all our inherent unalienable God given rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. In addition, declaring not to be "federal '14th Amendment feudal citizens," and, as well, we the people want our "money" back.

Therefore, perpetrators will be held accountable, including, but not limited to our elected/appointed servant employees, in both their personal/private capacity and their professional/servant-bonded-employment capacity. We seek accountability, where ever corruption occurs, e.g., violation of our 1st Amendment rights "freedom of the press and speech," are here exposed by Preston Free Press on YouTube. Also, where ever dishonor of oath(s) of office, unlawful act(s), the swindling of our "money," whether single handedly or co-conspiratorially perpetrated - enough is enough. "We Want Our Money Back" says Richard Swecker. In this exclusive interview for Richard indicates that he is on the ballot as a candidate for Preston County Commissioner with the West Virginia Constitution Party.

Louis IV of Manley, R.B.A., a U.S. Press Corp correspondent and reporting for "Preston Free Press", explains. Mr. Swecker can be seen exposing the WEST VIRGINIA INC., Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, ( This is the complete accountancy record of the peoples surplus taxes, and where they are invested. These little known secret funds consist of billions of dollars. Created in the 1940's, and reported since for each and every state government. "This is where our mega "money" accounts have been secretly hidden - until now," says Richard. Mr. Swecker, what do you think about this WV-CAFR realization? What would you do as a commissioner, with this evidence? "I think the evidence in the WV-CAFR is just another reason why I'm running for Preston County Commission. Many of the five hundred who have already signed the off-line protest petition, do not consent to violations, and further, agree, we want our money back. "This is likely where the accountability project can get most of the peoples 'money' from." says Swecker.

Richard and Louis met while working on getting the word out to 'we the people' about a 19 million dollar government sewer project in Preston County where it appears numerous violations have occurred.' Richard is the manager of a successful 500 signature petition drive of those who opposed the corrupt government/utility rate tactics and eminent domain land stealing process.

To sign the petition, please click on link below. The goal is to get 1 Million signatures.

Sign Petition Here

When Manley first met Richard Swecker, he says, "I immediately realized Richards sincerity and concern for the public's best interest. This is definitely where the two have some common ground.

Mr. Manley is with the Preston Free Press.™ This non-profit national/international news network is developing 173 Free Press member affiliates for syndication of little known, sometimes 'blacked-out,' and censored news. Everyday more people realize that alternative news sources should be considered. "They are a good choice for information with, generally, less corporate bias," says Manley. The two have announced their affiliation with the Constitution Party, where Mr. Manley is a candidate for the U.S. House. They work to inform others about real issues that people need to know about.

For more information, please visit: and

Related to our CAFR story about accountancy is breaking news, with implications worldwide; a story the 'storm' can not dampen. A $43 Trillion Dollar RICO lawsuit has been announced and fully filed by the Spire Law Group, LLP, in United States District Court in Brooklyn, New York, (Case No. 12-cv-04269-JBW-RML). Worldwide implications and accusations abound in the 912 page complaint which includes major banks, and thousands of co-conspirators; bankers and high level government workers have been fully served, both foreign and domestically, For more information, visit:

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Louis IV Liberty


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