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The Realistik Network Scam

Submitted by: Scam Alert Pro

2015-04-24 13:22:27

"Realistik Network's owner and founder Lee Fleshman arrested for stolen property."

Sources states that in 2005 Joseph Szelenyi roommate of Lee Fleshman came home to find his property stolen.

Fleshman, a known thief, con-man and drug addict was caught on video taking merchandise into a local pawn shop in Parma.

Prosecutors said that Szelenyi called his partner over to help him confront Fleshman, Szelenyi and his partner confronted Fleshman at the 4-Play Bar in Parma when Fleshman started to run and lead them on a wild goose chase, LaterFleshman was apprehended and charge with theft of stolen property then later accused his roommate Szelenyi and his partner of abduction which abduction accusations were eventually dropped.

Fleshman would later open up the Realistik Radio with a partner that he later stole money from forcing him to shut the company down and go their separate ways.

Now he think the smoke is clear he reopens in 2015.

The Realistik Network: How Realistik is this?.


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Scam Alert Pro


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