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San Diego Mortgage Company Celebrates National Homeownership Month

Submitted by: Prospect Financial Group, Inc.

2013-06-28 00:01:42 digg facebook Email twitter print

San Diego mortgage company Prospect Financial Group, Inc. has taken part in the celebration of National Homeownership Month by giving to the San Diego Habitat for Humanity.

San Diego, CA (OPENPRESS) Prospect Financial Group, Inc. has taken part this year in the celebration of National Homeownership Month by setting up an ongoing donation partnership with the San Diego Habitat for Humanity (SDHFH). June is National Homeownership Month, and owning a home continues to remain an essential part of the American Dream.

Homeownership offers many benefits for the homeowner and their families, providing a sense of stability and is an investment in one's future. In order to make homeownership possible for more Californians, Prospect Financial Group has pledged to make a monthly donation to the San Diego Habitat for Humanity.

The San Diego Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1988 and since that time they have built 187 homes for a total of 809 family members in San Diego. It is the SDHFH's mission to partner with families within San Diego to build new homes, rehabilitate existing homes and make affordable homeownership possible for San Diego residents.

Jason Vondrak, President of Prospect Financial Group, Inc., firmly believes in giving back to the community. "Since Prospect Financial Group was founded in 2006, we have been proud to help facilitate in making homeownership possible for thousands of Californians through our flexible financing options," Vondrak stated, "Now, partnering with the SDHFH, gives us a chance to help those families that would not be able to purchase a home with traditional financing."

Homeownership offers many benefits to families and communities as a whole. Studies have proven that children of homeowners do better in school and are more successful later on in life. Homeownership also provides economic benefits to the homeowner's neighborhood and the national economy.

"Owning a home has immediate and long-term benefits for not only the family, but for the community as a whole. That's why so many good people work tirelessly to make this dream possible for San Diegans at the SDHFH, and why we are proud to help support them in their efforts," said Vondrak.

About Prospect Financial Group, Inc.:
Prospect Financial Group, Inc. was founded in 2006 in San Diego, California. Since the mortgage company was founded, it has been their goal to put homeowners in a stronger financial position. Prospect Financial Group, Inc. offers a wide range of mortgage options for both home purchases and home refinances, including VA loans for veterans and active military. For more information about Prospect Financial Group, Inc. visit

About San Diego Habitat for Humanity:
The San Diego Habitat for Humanity, affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, first emerged in 1987 when a group of concerned citizens came together. Since their founding, the SDHFH has successfully built 187 homes within San Diego County with the help of 156,000 volunteers. To learn more about the San Diego Habitat for Humanity, visit their website at

Contact Info

Prospect Financial Group, Inc.
Phone: 8586050952
1940 Garnet Ave. #320
San Diego, CA 92109

Release Info

Metro Area: San Diego, CA Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Business: Finance Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: San Diego mortgage company, National Homeownership Month
Press Company: Prospect Financial Group, Inc.
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