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Reusable IBC Totes Proves Important Option by Container Exchanger

Submitted by: TR Cutler, Inc.

2008-12-31 00:01:51 digg facebook Email twitter print

Reusable IBC Totes Proves Important Option by Container Exchanger

(OPENPRESS) December 31, 2008 -- According to David Madden, President of Container Exchanger, "IBC Totes used for waste products might be like storing used cooking oil or animal fats. Those materials are saved and usually sold or collected for processing Bio-diesel. Someone has some other byproduct of their operation that they cannot put back into the water system - certain chemical have to be collected and disposed of in an EPA approved manner. Those types of chemicals could possibly be collected into a used IBC tote."

Container Exchanger is an online marketplace that offers manufacturing and distribution businesses an outlet for procuring or selling used returnable packaging. The product offerings include many standard and common reusable packaging solutions, including but not limited to plastic totes, plastic collapsible bulk boxes, metal containers, wire baskets, and plastic pallets. Launched in 2005, has empowered companies to reduce packaging acquisition costs through access to used returnable packaging inventories and it has enabled companies to maximize return during disposal of their used packaging fleets.

An IBC tote is a common term for an Intermediate Bulk Container. Whether handling bulk liquids, viscous products or dry flowables, IBC totes or portable bulk containers can meet transportation and handling requirements for corrosives, flammables, food and beverages, custom chemicals, lubricants to pharmaceuticals both safely and cost effectively. The IBC totes come in various sizes the most common size being the 275 and 330 gallon capacity.

When looking to purchase IBC totes you will need to have answers to a few questions ready first. You will be asked if the IBC totes that you are looking for is for a hazardous or flammable product, what size you are looking for, whether you are looking for steel, new or reconditioned, plastic or stainless steel and the quantity of IBC totes that you are looking for. Quality IBC totes can be purchased at very competitive prices from Container Exchanger.

Container Exchanger ( is dedicated to the sale and resale of reusable packaging and containers. The firm resells folding bulk containers, metal storage bins, plastic industrial totes, plastic pallets, and used gaylord boxes nationwide. When a company is finished using a returnable packaging fleet, Container Exchanger represents the seller and finds a buyer for the used bulk packaging. Sellers enjoy a high sales price for a better return on investment. Buyers save significantly in comparison to new packaging prices.

Container Exchanger
David Madden, President

Contact Info

TR Cutler, Inc.
Phone: 954-682-6200
3032 S. Oakland Forest Dr.
Suite 2803
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309

Release Info

Metro Area: ALL REGIONS (Including International) Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Business Services Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: Used, collapsible, folding, bulk, containers, metal, bins, pallet, boxes, plastic, returnable packaging, container resales
Press Company: Container Exchanger
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