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Prospect Financial Group, Inc. Named Top 5 Lender in CA on Lender411

Submitted by: Prospect Financial Group, Inc.

2013-02-27 00:01:43 digg facebook Email twitter print

Prospect Financial Group, Inc. was recently recognized as the number 2 lender in California on Lender411. The California mortgage industry is highly competitive, making it a great honor to be recognized as a top 5 lender in California.

San Diego, CA (OPENPRESS) Lender411 recently ranked Prospect Financial Group, Inc. as their #2 lender in the Top 5 Lender category in California. This ranking was based on a number of factors including online reviews and contributions to the Lender411 website in the form of blog entries and answering questions posted by consumers.

Prospect Financial Group, Inc. is a mortgage brokerage that while located in San Diego, is licensed throughout the entire state of California. Founded in 2006, Prospect Financial Group, Inc. has focused on helping current borrowers improve their financial position by refinancing their existing home loan. We are proud to have helped thousands of borrowers refinance to lower their monthly mortgage payments, shorten their loan terms, take cash-out from their homes, or a combination of all three. With our competitive rates and extraordinary customer service, Prospect Financial Group, Inc. is ranked as a top lender in CA.

Jason Vondrak, President of Prospect Financial Group, Inc. stated "Being highly ranked among our competitors is a great honor in an industry as competitive as the mortgage industry."

Lender411 was also founded in 2006 with the goal to connect consumers with qualified mortgage and real estate professionals.

To view Prospect Financial Group, Inc.'s Lender411 Profile, visit:

About Prospect Financial Group, Inc.
Since 2006, Prospect Financial Group, Inc. has strove to become a widely recognized lender by providing superior customer service. Our competitive pricing models and our wide variety or loan options gives us the edge over other lenders. Some of our most popular loan options include fixed and adjustable-rate mortgages and government-back loan programs (FHA, VA and HARP). Our lending and processing team has over 40 years combined experience, guaranteeing borrowers the smoothest refinance experience possible. We continually strive to be one of the highest ranked mortgage brokers within the state of California. For more information about Prospect Financial Group, Inc., visit

About Lender411:
Lend411 was founded in 2006 with the goal of creating an online community that would connect consumers shopping for financing options with qualified mortgage and real estate professionals. The Ledner411 platform allows consumers to use the resources provided by the different lenders on the site to determine which home financing options best fit their individual needs. For more information about Lender411, visit

Contact Info

Prospect Financial Group, Inc.
Phone: 8586050952
1940 Garnet Ave. #320
San Diego, CA 92109

Release Info

Metro Area: San Diego, CA Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Business: Finance Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: prospect financial group, inc., top lenders in CA, top california lenders
Press Company: Prospect Financial Group, Inc.
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