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Portfolio Software Founder on Fox Business News Wednesday

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2008-12-31 00:02:17 digg facebook Email twitter print

Hedge and mutual fund portfolio management software company's founder will discuss "Easy Methods to Make Better Decisions in 2009" on an upcoming episode of "Countdown to the Closing Bell" on Fox Business News.

Charlotte, NC (OPENPRESS) December 31, 2008 -- Alpha Theory founder and President, Cameron Hight, will be featured on Fox Business News' "Countdown to the Closing Bell" on Wednesday, December 31st at 3:40pm. He will be discussing a two step approach to making better portfolio decisions in 2009.

Step 1: Before making any investment, force yourself to write down your potential profit if your thesis is correct, loss if you are incorrect and the probability of each.

Step 2: Use those numbers to calculate a basic risk-adjusted return. The math is easy and a calculator can be found on Alpha Theory's website:

A risk-adjusted return becomes your tool to ensure that you are making a rational decision instead of relying on mental calculation or heuristics.

"Over the course of my career, I have seen countless instances where poor decisions would have been avoided by simply taking the time to calculate a risk-adjusted return prior to making a decision," said Cameron Hight, founder of Alpha Theory. "This basic process of calculating risk-adjusted return takes very little time to become habit and creates a process that improves returns, reduces risk, capitalizes on volatility, and dampens the negative effects of emotion in financial decisions."

About Alpha Theory™:
Alpha Theory™ is an advanced investment discipline that helps fund managers maximize the return of their portfolios. Alpha Theory's™ web-based Fundamental Portfolio Optimization tool leverages a firm's research and instinct to build a repeatable system for optimally sizing positions using state of the art software design. This pioneering blend of philosophy and technology is developed by a team of high achieving investment practitioners and technology professionals.

Alpha Theory's™ founder is Cameron Hight, CFA. Cameron developed and refined the Alpha Theory™ discipline over the course of his investment management career, but the quantum leap occurred in 2005. Inspired by his reading and writing on Poker Theory and Game Theory, Cameron found that most critical decision makers (physicists, actuaries, odds makers, poker players, etc.) employ a strict, non-emotional, repeatable process fueled by the best information available at the moment. Cameron observed, however, that a disciplined decision process was the exception more than the rule in the investment management industry. From this quantum leap, Alpha Theory's™ Fundamental Portfolio Optimization tool was born. For further information, please visit, our blog at or our demo at

Contact Information:
Telitha Causey
Vice President, Marketing
Alpha Theory
Charlotte, NC
(704) 307-2914 x207 (phone)
(877) 854-7489 (fax)


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Metro Area: ALL REGIONS (Including International) Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Business: Finance Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: probability, optimization, stock, mutual, hedge fund, price target, expected return, portfolio management
Press Company: Alpha Theory
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