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PeopleString Your Way to Cash. I'll Build Your Custom Website and Promote You

Submitted by: Independent Marketer

2009-10-08 11:52:48

(OPENPRESS) October 8, 2009 -- How many bosses today wonder if their employees are getting paid to use Facebook? How many people wish they were paid to use Facebook?

Well today, there's a new social network in town called PeopleString. It's designed to look and work a lot like Facebook. It pays people for their usage, for their shopping, and even for receiving both postal mail and e-mail.

And PeopleString is totally free to use.

Not only that, but PeopleString is more than just a social network. It also offers the most advanced e-mail system I've seen. No, the user interface isn't the slickest I've run across, but the e-mail features themselves are incredible:

* Video e-mail.
* E-mail that self-destructs.
* E-mail you can track.
* Password-protected e-mail.
* E-mail that can't be printed, forwarded, copied.

Best of all, PeopleString is spreading like wildfire not only because it's free to join, but also because it's free to share ... and earn money on. The more you share it, and the more your network shares it, the more you are paid as they earn money from using the system.

Making money on a free system that gives you tools you would want to use anyway is pretty much a no-brainer. And when you add the leverage of getting paid on six levels of team referrals, your team can quickly mushroom and jack up your monthly pay.

As a full-time writer and marketer, it's always a pleasure for me to teach my team members how to market a business. The fact is, it's not hard to succeed at a business like this. The hard part for most people is choosing to take action. For those willing to invest themselves -- even in a free business like this -- I'll show them all the things they can do to grow a team quickly and profitably.

But in PeopleString, there is also an optional upgrade for those who anticipate growing a large team. Besides providing upgrades to their e-mail account, it also allows them to earn about three times as much on their team earnings. This turns a $600 monthly paycheck, for instance, into about an $1800 monthly paycheck.

Because the upgrade involves an initial (not monthly) financial investment, I know those team members are serious about working this business and building a team. And because of that, I'm willing to invest more time back into them and their success.

So when my PeopleString team members upgrade to the Entrepreneur package, I will write and set up a custom, one-page PeopleString website that they can easily expand at any time (with additional pages or blogs). I will also promote them through a press release.

Both efforts will be designed to help them get found in the search engines and pursued by PeopleString prospects, giving them added strength toward building a team and getting paid back on that investment.

If you'd like to learn more about PeopleString and the benefits of joining my team, please visit my website at

Contact Info

Independent Marketer
Phone: 972-836-6639


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