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New Energy Drink makes for Free Energy Drink Business

Submitted by: Independent Marketer

2009-11-19 19:47:39

(OPENPRESS) November 19, 2009 -- A new energy drink has just hit the market, and it taps into a whole lot of what people are looking for -- like being healthier than the rest, yet costing the same -- while giving all the zip that people need from an energy drink. And in the case of Black Grape, there's the opportunity to earn cash without spending a dime.

Black Grape energy drink launched in November 2009, and it not only offers a safer, more balanced energy lift than most energy drinks. It also plugs into the known health benefits of resveratrol, most famously known as the healthy part of red wine.

With about the same amount of caffeine as a Red Bull (both have less than a cup of coffee, compared to many that have dangerously high levels), Black Grape has an identical B vitamin profile to its popular counterpart; and, like Red Bull, uses the amino acid l-taurine as one of its energy enhancers.

But Black Grape also uses the highly-regarded amino acid l-leucine. It then adds green tea and guarana seed extracts, in addition to resveratrol as an extra step in enhancing one's health.

Now this doesn't make Black Grape a health supplement. But less caffeine and a bit of resveratrol are just the start of why it's a healthier option than the rest. Black Grape also uses less sugar than most without stooping to artificial sweeteners. It also uses no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Compare that to almost any energy drink and you'll see the difference.

Where others have tried to introduce healthier choices into the energy drink arena, they have overpriced the drinks. Black Grape, on the other hand, is ordered online exclusively through PeopleString members, and is delivered to your door for about $2.50/can. Optionally, one can join PeopleString for free and buy from his or her own Black Grape store -- received as part of your free membership. In doing so, you earn $9 back on your own purchase, effectively driving the price down to $2/can delivered to your door.

What is PeopleString? It's a free social network and advanced e-mail system that pays you in several ways for your usage. Members earn 70% of ad revenue, for instance; earn cash back on shopping; and can engage in a program that pays you for receiving ads by postal mail, e-mail, or video. Members also earn on the revenue generated by team members through six levels of referrals.

Now having your own free Black Grape store means also being able to share a healthy energy drink option with friends and neighbors who already spend money on other drinks and could do themselves a favor with Black Grape. They can either buy from you at $49.95/case (you earn $9), or they can join you in PeopleString, get their own store, and buy directly from themselves.

Having them join PeopleString may be the more profitable option in the end. It's free for them to join and lets them buy their drink for less. But if they find that they also enjoy using PeopleString and earning money from it -- even though they never invested a dime! -- then they may start telling others and building their own PeopleString team. And as they do so, you're paid more and more on the personal earnings of other members.

The obvious beauty of Black Grape is that it not only offers a healthier energy drink option, but that there are so many ways of earning with it without risking any financial loss. You join PeopleString for free and earn in several ways through that program. You're able to profit from the popularity of energy drinks and resveratrol. And you're able to further profit from PeopleString when your Black Grape customers decide they want a discount on their drink.

A win-win for everyone involved -- except perhaps other beverage companies that start to feel the bite of the new drink in town.

About the Author
Steve McCardell is an independent writer and marketer who helps team members to succeed with home businesses by providing them with tools and training. He uses PeopleString for networking and sharing a risk-free way for others to earn.

Contact Info

Independent Marketer
Phone: 972-836-6639


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