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New Electronic Cigarette Franchises Prosper Despite the Economic Downturn

Submitted by: Saravanan

2008-12-31 00:02:19 digg facebook Email twitter print

Smoking Everywhere, LLC is expanding its business by reducing air pollution, eliminating toxic secondhand smoke, and making smokers who crave nicotine happy - all at the same time.

Sunrise, FL (OPENPRESS) December 31, 2008 -- While businesses everywhere suffer from an economy that has gone down in flames, one is thriving despite the economic doom and gloom. Within the past eight weeks the revolutionary Smoking Everywhere enterprise has opened more than 60 stores in locations all across the USA (even in Alaska).

Smoking Everywhere succeeds by going against conventional trends. As millions of American smokers find themselves with fewer public places to enjoy smoking because of legislative bans and restrictions on tobacco, Smoking Everywhere vendors make more money the easy way by selling a convenient and healthier alternative called the "electronic cigarette."

The all-new "Electronic Cigarette" is a cutting edge electronic smoking device based on sophisticated micro-electronic technology. Disguised to look just like an ordinary cigarette, there is no fire, smoke, or ash - just a fine mist resembling smoke that quickly evaporates into thin air. Inside the electronic cigarette's special chamber a molecular dose of real nicotine is heated and converted into a mist that can be inhaled for authentic smoking pleasure and nicotine craving satisfaction. Those who like to smoke - but do not want to endanger others with secondhand smoke - are getting turned on to high tech electronic cigarettes in record numbers. They look, feel, and taste just like ordinary cigarettes - and deliver a nicotine kick - but are completely legal in nonsmoking environments.

"Electronic Cigarette smoking is spreading like wildfire," Smoking Everywhere President and CEO Elicko Taieb explains, "and we are constantly expanding our distributorship network to keep pace with the surging demand for this healthier alternative to regular cigarettes. Smoking Everywhere is a recession-proof business and is growing beyond our dreams and expectations." People are turning to electronic cigarettes for a variety of reasons, and many of those are related to budget tightening. "Instead of paying five or six dollars a pack for ordinary cigarettes," Taieb says, "smokers have found that they can switch to healthier and more affordable electronic cigarettes. Then they can spend that extra money on gasoline or groceries, or donate it to a favorite charity to help others who are in need during these desperate times."

One reason electronic cigarettes save cash is because the device is reusable. Simply change out the flavor cartridge - which contains the nicotine dose - without having to pay to replace the rest of the electronic cigarette. An electronic cigarette cartridge usually lasts about as long as a pack of cigarettes but costs less, making electronic cigarettes cheaper than conventional cigarettes. Smokers don't sacrifice taste either, because electronic cigarettes are available in a wide variety of flavors and different degrees of nicotine strength.

For additional information call 800-613-0337 or visit

Smoking Everywhere, LLC is a Florida based company dedicated to creating a smoke-free environment by offering a healthier alternative to smoking without tobacco, tar, and hundreds of other chemicals found in traditional cigarettes. The Smoking Everywhere Electronic Cigarette is a completely non-flammable micro-electronic nicotine delivery device that gives users the look, feel, taste, and sensation of smoking without hazardous and annoying secondhand smoke.

Contact: Elicko Taieb, President and CEO of Smoking Everywhere, Phone: 800-613-0337

Contact :
Elicko Eli
Smoking Everywhere, LLC
Sunrise, FL


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Metro Area: ALL REGIONS (Including International) Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Technology Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: electronic cigarette, smoke-free environment, without hazardous, secondhand smoke, reusable
Press Company: Smoking Everywhere, LLC
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