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My Jehovah's Witnesses Halloween

Submitted by: Watchtower Whistleblower

2009-10-30 20:10:48

Orwellian Jehovah's Witnesses & Halloween

A Phobic World View

(OPENPRESS) October 30, 2009 -- The first step that the Watchtower takes in their indoctrination of their followers is to develop the concept of the "universal war" that all people are inevitably caught up in, namely, that Satan has declared war on Jehovah, and we are automatically on one side or the other; there are no fence-sitters. If you are not doing all that the organization asks, you are on the side of the devil. Everything outside of the Watch Tower is controlled by the devil, and all persons who are not Witnesses are misled by the devil and are bad or dangerous to associate with.

An unbalanced fear of the supernatural is encouraged. Witness children are told to avoid "worldly" magazines, movies, TV shows, music, etc. Any information critical of the Watch Tower is automatically evil and dangerous. Most doctors are evil for wanting to administer blood transfusions. Children have nightmares about mom or dad having to refuse a blood transfusion. Everything is made to appear as part of a large conspiracy to destroy Jehovah's Witnesses. Satan is feared totally out of proportion to the role as represented in the Bible. CHECK OUT their own JW PICS

Why Jehovah's Witnesses don't do Christmas.

I was born raised a Jehovah's Witness and of course we did not do holidays.
The real reason is the Watchtower leaders want us to be 'different' for the sake of being different.Jehovah's Witnesses are not 'happier' and are just as dysfunctional as families who do holidays.

Jesus was not born on Dec 25th,but he also did not have his second coming in the month of October 1914,which is the core doctrine of the Watchtower religion.

Santa Claus is a fairy tale and so is Watchtower 1914 dogma.

Danny Haszard born 1957 as a 3rd generation Jehovah's Witness

Contact Info

Watchtower Whistleblower
Phone: 207-433-7627
POB 1503 Bangor Maine 04402-1503


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