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Lean Marketing Assessment Program Launched by Business901

Submitted by: PressReleasePoint

2008-12-30 00:00:42 digg facebook Email twitter print

The Business901 Lean Marketing Assessment is used to determine a company's current position relative to the recognized practices of a Lean Enterprise.

Fort Wayne, IN (OPENPRESS) December 30, 2008 -- Joe Dager, owner of Business901 will be introducing the "Lean Marketing Assessment" to the attendees of a webinar hosted on Wednesday, December31st. This program will allow participants to gain a clear snapshot of their present marketing conditions and practices. The participants can use the assessment to determine areas in need of improvement and develop a plan accordingly.

The Business901 Lean Marketing Assessment is used to determine a company's current position relative to the recognized practices of a Lean Enterprise. It begins with an outline of the Key Performance indicators and the scoring system that is used in the evaluation of each. The participants complete the assessment during the process and active participation is encouraged to reinforce the evaluation of each indicator. The final element is a review and explanation of the scatter diagram that is created. This will allow participants to see the areas of greatest concerns and strengths.

Exploring the data to identify a cause and effect relationship between variables is an important part of the webinar and in building a Lean marketing process. Knowing your current state is one of the most powerful tools but is the least understood. "Establishing a baseline and understanding your root marketing issues will result in a true reality check," says Dager. He also added: "Without this, wishful thinking and superficial solutions creep into your marketing process."

An assessment will make it easier to create standards and once the standard is in place, it will then allow companies to continuously look for better ways to do the work because to be truly of lean fashion, it must be realized the work is never done, it is continuously improving. Without understanding this step in the process, people become confused with what planning and standards are meant to be. Standards are not control mechanisms. Having a process does not stunt creativity. A true standard is actually the direct opposite as it allows time to focus on the creative aspect as it is part of the plan. Standards and plans are dynamic. They let you know where the problem is quicker, where to begin a search for solutions, and prevent you from making the same mistake twice. Continuous improvement cannot happen without a standard. Continuous improvement in any part of the organization is the only true advantage that you have as a company.

About Business901
Joe Dager is president of Business901, a progressive company providing practical, information-rich services and product offerings designed as implementable systems that work in the real, not enough time, not enough people world they operate in. Business901 tools simplify the marketing process, not complicate it. Joe's experience includes manufacturing, retail, and professional services and has been through several start-ups and turnarounds. Affiliations include Duct Tape Marketing, The One Page Business Plan, Get Clients NOW and Ten Step Project Management. The Technorati rates the Business901blog in the top 1% of all blogs worldwide, and Hubspot grades the website in the top 3%. Joe has a bi-monthly local television program, Connecting Your Passion and is also a contributor to the American Express Open Forum and Business Week Forum.

Joe Dager
Fort Wayne, IN 46845


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Industry: Business: Network Marketing Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: lean marketing assessment, lean marketing, lean six sigma marketing, marketing, marketing assessment
Press Company: Business901
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