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IRS Installment Agreement Appeal

Submitted by: Back Taxes Help, LLC

2009-08-01 23:22:44

(OPENPRESS) August 1, 2009 -- Installment Agreement Appeal for New Request

Just because you apply for an installment agreement it does not mean that the IRS is going to approve it. There are requirements you have to meet in order to be eligible for an installment agreement. Fortunately, you can appeal an IRS installment agreement if you feel that you were rejected when you shouldn't have been.

What can I do if the IRS will not let me have a payment plan? The best thing you can do is file an appeal. This is done through the Collections Appeal Program, also know as CAP.

Before appealing an installment agreement you should learn as much as you can about your current situation. Do you know why the IRS may have denied your request? Do you have any additional information that can help your situation? You want to be in the best possible position to win your appeal. Remember, if you do not receive your installment agreement after this you will be forced to find another way of paying your tax debt.

Installment Agreement Appeal - Due To Termination of a Preexisting Installment Agreement

Has your installment agreement been terminated due to a missed payment or an underpayment? If so, you can appeal the termination as a way of hopefully being allowed to continue or reinstate (if it was recently terminated) with your payment plan. The IRS tax code provides rights to you as a taxpayer to appeal

Here are the steps that should be taken if you need to appeal the termination of an installment agreement:

1. Call the phone number that is listed on the notice of termination. If you cannot work out your situation you need to tell the representative that you are interested in filing an appeal.

2.You will need to put your appeal in writing by using Form 9423. The only exception to this rule is if you were sent your notice from a Revenue Officer. From the day you receive your termination notice you have 76 days to file an appeal.

Many taxpayers think that they have a right to an installment agreement no matter what their situation entails; this is not the case. If you feel that your request for an installment agreement was denied when it shouldn't have been, you need to file an appeal.

If you need more detailed steps for an IRS Installment Agreement Appeal, including what forms are required, the procedure to follow and the requirements, visit us today at Professional services are also at available if needed.

Contact Info

Back Taxes Help, LLC
Phone: 203-813-7549
53 Halloween Blvd
Stamford, CT 06902


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