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Eli Lilly ZYPREXA Settlement OUTRAGE

Submitted by: Watchtower Whistleblower

2009-05-10 17:51:20

(OPENPRESS) May 10, 2009 -- I Daniel Haszard am a living example of Zyprexa gone/done wrong was given it 1996-2000 off-label for PTSD got sudden high blood sugar A1C 14.7 in January 2000.The stuff was worthless for my condition of PTSD and cost me thousands in co-pays and gave me diabetes.

Sent to me anonymously tells all:

I have watched Eli-Lily from the beginning. Add it up yourself, all the info is there. They claim they paid the first original 8 thousand a settlement of $790 million. LIE! Add all the group totals. Add up what Eli Lily says they paid them. ALL LIES. The lawyers and judges and special masters got all the money.

I even read where Eli-lily actually got away with paying one person 500 dollars for giving them diabetes, neuropathy and pancreatitis. Add this up, 8 thousand people, $790 million dollars. Not 1 was paid over 50 thousand after the lawyers and judges and special masters took the bulk of they money off the top for overseeing.

I have yet to see anyone qualify for the 25 million extra money in the eif fund. I know 1 person that was paid 600 dollars. You had to die to qualify and unless your family knew zyprexa killed you then no money.

This has been the biggest joke. Eli-lily continues to rip off everybody they are using as guinea pigs and paying the judges and lawyers to get everyone to sign a hush clause first. That is so they can keep the media away from the biggest rip off i ever saw. Bush was on the board of directors so nobody wants to rock the boat. I say rock the boat and throw eli-lily out.

They kill you with their drugs while they charge the government 10xs more than a generic then give you diabetes and a host of other medical problems. At least with the economy the way it is less will go to the drs and eli-lily wont make as much money. Any company that causes you to get diabetes then makes the insulin you need to live are nothing more than murders. Yes, i have been here for 5 years watching elil-lily!

Daniel Haszard

Contact Info

Watchtower Whistleblower
Phone: 207-433-7627
POB 1503 Bangor Maine 04402-1503


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