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Dorm Heaters: the Infrared Dorm Heating Solution

Submitted by: Affordable Heat

2011-01-12 23:21:50

(OPENPRESS) January 12, 2011 -- A lot of kids head away to school for the first time only to discover -- especially in harder economic times -- that schools can save money by turning down the heat in dorm rooms. And since students usually don't have thermostat access, they have to look to another solution for keeping warm.

This is no small matter, as this is a student's home and often the place for doing homework. This can negatively impact one's ability to get work done if attention keeps shifting to how cold it is. And this is why space heaters have been so popular in boarding school and college.

But there's a difference between traditional space heaters and infrared heaters, and one of the most obvious is how something like an EdenPURE infrared heater is able to move more air -- more quietly and more gently. This leads to a big difference in someone's experience of the heater. Rather than having to sit close and practically burn a small area of skin while a loud fan blows, you can keep an EdenPURE nearby and simply feel a warm, gentle wind across your whole body.

This experience really allows you to feel warm more easily, so you can turn down the settings and enjoy warmth at a lower cost. In dorm rooms, this might not be a big deal since you're not directly paying for the heat. But lower costs help the school ... and they help you when you move that heater into your own place at a later date.

Because of this, EdenPURE really makes for the optimal dorm heating solution. It's safe to use, without getting hot on the outside, and it will truly keep you cozy during the cold winter months in the dorm.

Finally, EdenPURE heaters are also exceptionally quiet due to the fact that they're not going crazy trying to pump out hot air. This makes it nicer for sleeping or working with a heater on nearby.

Contact Info

Affordable Heat
Phone: 888-499-8656
1416 S Main Street
Suite 220 Box 150
Adrian, MI 49221


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