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Core6 Marketing Opens New Location In Monterey, California

Submitted by: Core6 Marketing

2022-08-18 00:01:34 digg facebook Email twitter print

Core6 Marketing provides numerous digital marketing services to businesses in various industries.

Salinas, CA (OPENPRESS) Core6 Marketing is pleased to announce the opening of a new office in Monterey, CA. Formerly known as Coastline Marketing Group, the digital marketing company is based in Salinas, CA, and has provided its services to businesses in the Monterey Bay area since 2007.

The addition of an office in Monterey, CA, is to serve the clients in the area better. The address of the recently acquired location is 288 Pearl Street #309, Monterey, CA 93940. Core6 has already established a client base in the region, and the new office will better enable them to provide services to their clientele.

Core6 Marketing provides numerous digital marketing services to businesses in various industries. Techs create strategies incorporating targeted paid advertising, creative website design, lead generation, and local search engine optimization with a focus on helping clients grow their businesses. The marketers also provide detailed analytics and reports designed to drive sales and consistent growth through effective multi-channel marketing.

Individuals or businesses interested in learning more about the services available through the digital marketing company can visit the Core6 Marketing website. They may also call 831-789-9320 to speak with a representative.

About Core6 Marketing:
Core6 Marketing builds complete marketing programs for their clients. Phil Fisk founded the marketing firm over 15 years ago. They focus on working closely with clients to create custom plans that drive results. Their team believes they aren't successful until they achieve results for clients.

Company: Core6 Marketing
Address : 288 Pearl Street #309, Monterey, CA 93940, USA
Phone No: 831-580-1263
Email ID :

Contact Info

Core6 Marketing
Phone: 831-580-1263
288 Pearl Street #309, Monterey, CA 93940, USA

Release Info

Metro Area: Salinas, CA Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Advertising / Marketing Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: digital marketing agency
Press Company: Core6 Marketing
Press Site:


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