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Cirque Du Soleil And The Ladd Foundation Bring A Ray Of Sunlight To Kids In Allapattah, Miami

Submitted by: LADD

2018-11-29 00:01:08 digg facebook Email twitter print

Twenty-five children from Allapattah, Miami will have a dedicated space for developing skills in contemporary circus arts. Artists from renowned Cirque du Soleil will be in charge of sharing their knowledge and experience

Miami, FL (OPENPRESS) Les Ailes du Desir Foundation —better known as the LADD Foundation- together with artists from Cirque du Soleil, will deliver a workshop for children between 7 and 10 years of age from a school in Allapattah, Miami at the facilities of Les Ailes du Desir (LADD) Miami Circus School, on December 12, 2018.

The aim of the activity is to get children from underprivileged sectors familiarized with contemporary circus arts. Cirque du Soleil artists will provide testimonials, sharing how their passion for circus has changed the course of their lives, towards a path full of healthy and unique activities.

"Today I am fortunate to work with Cirque du Soleil, as it is one of the world's most prestigious organizations of contemporary circus. However, I come from a poor neighborhood in France, and one of my goals is to make sure I share my passion for circus with children. I hope they will fall in love with this activity that can show them a healthy, different way," said Jerome Sordillon, creative director for LADD and one of the main artists in Cirque du Soleil's Crystal.

Participating kids will have the opportunity to learn and experience the fundamentals of different circus disciplines, including lyra, cyr wheel, acrobatics, gymnastics, handstands, trapeze and aerial silk, among others.

The LADD Foundation promotes the integration of the cultural diversity of the Miami community and leverages creativity through healthy habits focusing on social growth. Its main goal is to articulate structured and progressive training for children under the age of 18 who face economic and emotional vulnerability due to social consequences. The LADD Foundation seeks to partner with schools and youth groups to increase community engagement through:
• Providing opportunities for developing circus skills and activities.
• Presenting alternatives for releasing positive energy.
• Exploring circus disciplines that enable a positive self-expression through movement and mental concentration.
• Role-modeling the unique experiences of professional artists to inspire new talents.
• Doing community work with socially vulnerable youngsters and teenagers, to keep them away from the risks of engaging with firearms and drugs, and interacting with children and youth who are exposed to domestic violence and family dynamics having a negative impact on their development.

Date: Wednesday, December 12
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Location: Les Ailes du Desir. 1395 NW 22nd Street. Miami, FL 33142


To bring LADD services closer to the community, the school has organized a series of events showcasing the different classes available to the public:

Les Soirées des Arts Series

We are happy to invite you to our third installment of our performing arts series at Les Ailes du Desir! In this third show, we will be having special guests and Cirque du Soleil performers along with Miami's own professional and up-and-coming artists will dazzle audiences in their newest creations of circus, acrobatics, dance, theater, etc. Support our local circus and performing arts communities as these artists present their touching, poetic, and innovative new pieces in this inspiring series!

Date: Monday, December 10
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: Les Ailes du Desir. 1395 NW 22nd Street. Miami, FL 33142

About LADD

Les Ailes du Desir (LADD) offers an array of circus and related disciplines, including ground and aerial classes, dance, gymnastics, and general fitness classes. Our classes are for everyone—from the curious beginner, to the practicing professional, for both children and adults! Circus is a fun form of fitness and performing art for anyone. With top of the line instructors and a huge studio space, LADD is your one-stop destination for all things circus and unique performances. LADD also offers Talent management & event management services.
Les Ailes du Désir seeks to develop a prestigious institution, providing Miami with a range of versatile and unique talents in circus art. Contemporary circus has developed exponentially throughout the world while South Florida's performing arts scene has experienced minimal growth compared to that of other major cities. Our mission is to develop circus art in South Florida, dedicated to the education and training of young and professional circus artists. Our organization strives to inspire our community.

Contact Info

Phone: 786 4785891
1395 NW 22nd St, Miami, FL 33142

Release Info

Metro Area: Miami, FL Read More from this Metro Area
Country: United States Read more from this Country
Industry: Art & Entertainment Read more from this Industry
Press Keywords: Miami, Circus, School, Contemporary,
Press Company: LADD
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