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Cheap Travel: How to Beat Orbitz Pricing

Submitted by: Independent Marketer

2009-10-30 22:44:37

(OPENPRESS) October 30, 2009 -- Anyone looking for cheap travel options knows that Orbitz and similar services offer just about the lowest prices you'll find without opting for multiple flight changes and other travel craziness. These services simplify things by comparing costs of flights, hotels, car rentals, and more, then allowing you to order at probably the lowest cost you'll find online.

Only I know how to beat Orbitz pricing. And with exactly the same convenience as buying through Orbitz, because it is buying through Orbitz.


It's as simple as this: I'm a member of PeopleString, which is a free social network and e-mail system that allows you to earn money in several ways. For instance, usage generates ad revenue, 70% of which is paid back to members. You can also get paid for receiving ads by mail, e-mail, and video. And even though everything about it is free, you can get paid even more by referring others into the network.

Imagine if you were paid by Facebook from their annual billion dollars in ad revenue, and that you got paid even more for referring people to Facebook.

Among the features in PeopleString, you have the ability to choose from any shopping category, where they then link to many of the most popular sites online: Barnes & Noble, for instance. Target. iTunes. And of course Orbitz.

When you visit those sites through your PeopleString portal, you earn cash back on any shopping that you do. So when I recently booked travel through Orbitz, I got Orbitz' already low prices on travel. But then I earned $18 back through my PeopleString account. So I basically beat Orbitz pricing by $18.

Not only that, those who had introduced me to PeopleString -- up through 6 levels of referrals -- earned a little bit on my travel as well.

As you can see, this isn't just about saving money on travel. It's about saving money through cash back on most of the things you buy online: from books to iTunes downloads to already discounted products at Sam's Club to anything you might buy at Wal-Mart or Target. It's all there.

And with PeopleString, there are so many other ways to earn, the average person could make enough money to pay for a dinner and movie date every month even without sharing the network with anyone else. But if they share, they'll have the opportunity to earn much, much more.

For details about the program and how I can help you to grow a network of PeopleString users, please visit my PeopleString website. Or to sign up right away, visit and Join PeopleString.

Contact Info

Independent Marketer
Phone: 972-836-6639


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