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Aquamid: Filling The Facial Void

Submitted by: Geelong Otway Tourism for the Geelong Otway Region of The Great Ocean Road

2009-04-13 23:12:43

(OPENPRESS) April 13, 2009 -- Aquamid is slowly but surely making its mark in history. Though it has many uses, one in particular seems to be responding to an evolving demand in the market: filling the facial void. It seems that there is an entire generation of 30-something people who are craving what Aquamid – a hydrogel consisting of 97.5% sterile water and 2.5% polyacrylamide - can provide: the plumper look of youthful cheeks that they have lost due to extreme exercising and dieting.

Celebrities under constant scrutiny to keep their bodies toned and tiny are the most likely to end up with drawn faces, yet seem to accept it as a normal trade-off. So it's not surprising that more requests for Aquamid originate from Hollywood than anywhere else in the world.

Madonna and Courtney Cox are both examples of women in the spotlight who are aware that they have had to choose between their face and their body. They have admitted choosing their body, to the media, according to an online article entitled "Facial Fillers - Hollywood's Secret To Youthful Beauty".

They are also prime candidates for the Aquamid procedure: injections of small amounts of Aquamid along the depressions of the skin, which bind with water and in effect "plump out" the skin.

Seen as a boon to Aquamid's marketing campaign, which originally targeted people a decade older; this expansion of Aquamid's scope is both surprising and exciting at the same time.

Aquamid, produced by Contura, is already known to have made a contribution to sufferers of HIV+ patients undergoing treatment resulting in lipoatrophy (loss of facial fat).

Successful trials with HIV+ patients undergoing treatment have revealed that not only does the process involving Aquamid produce a healthier look, but it provides a significant boost to their self-esteem too. The results of the most recent trials were published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal, Feb. 2008.

As of February 2009 though, the debate as to whether facial treatments such as Aquamid for lipoatrophy in HIV+ patients should be covered by the national health care system has escalated in the US. In a unique chain of events, the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services requested stories from HIV+ sufferers, their friends and families, to be submitted during the first two weeks of February 2009.

After reviewing these stories, the centres will determine whether the quality of life of HIV+ sufferers deteriorates to an unacceptable level once lipoatrophy occurs. To date, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and poor adherance to mediction are the main symptoms associated with lipoatrophy, based on the feeling that it is an obvious sign that the person suffering from it is also an HIV+ sufferer.

If successful, the treatment of Aquamid and other facial fillers for HIV+ patients will change from being listed as "cosmetic treatment" to "medical necessity". Facial filler treatments would then also be paid for by the government.

Currently, the total of Aquamid-treated HIV+ patients for lipoatrophy totals over 300,000 worldwide. Should it be covered under Medicare and Medicaid schemes in the US, the number of people receiving Aquamid treatments will escalate significantly over the course of the next few years.

Contact Info

Geelong Otway Tourism for the Geelong Otway Region of The Great Ocean Road
Phone: +61 401 044 960
12 Montpellier Drive
Highton 3216


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