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3 Essential Keys to Making Money Online -- and Your FREE Solution

Submitted by: Independent Marketer

2009-10-20 17:36:33

(OPENPRESS) October 20, 2009 -- When you want to make money online -- REAL money -- it's important that you BUILD A LIST that either trusts and buys from you on a regular basis, or a that is INVESTED in you and will work on your behalf. The people with these lists are those who succeed in retail, affiliate marketing, and network marketing.

All of these can make you a mint online. But you have to build that list safely (yes, "safely"!) and effectively. Doing so involves three key elements that you CANNOT overlook.

Key #1: An Incentive
If you've looked into list building at all -- or you're on OTHER people's lists -- you know that one key element is having some sort of incentive for the person to join your list. Most lists, however, offer nothing more than an informational video or an e-book or software that you could probably get somewhere else for free. At the moment of sign-up, they leave someone debating about whether they really want to be on one more list.

Almost NO ONE offers something that will really change a person's life when they sign up, and yet this is exactly what you need to do if you want people to sign up without hesitation.

Below, I'm going to show you something that is 100% FREE and will appeal to any English-speaking person on Earth with an internet connection. Yes, Earth. You can start using this TODAY to build a list of marketers and non-marketers alike.

Key #2: A Funded Proposal
This idea is less known, but the best in the business always use some kind of funded proposal. What this means is that you have a way of actually making money in the process of building your list.

Why is this critical? Because you can go BROKE building a list before you ever make money off it unless you have something like this in place. This is what I mean by building SAFELY -- keeping money in your pocket on the way to putting more money in.

The basic format of a funded proposal is that you offer something free or low-cost to draw people in; but once they've shown some commitment by filling in a form and joining your list, you have a chance to make a powerful, slightly-high-cost off er that's hard to refuse, making you more money right away. The idea is to cover your advertising costs or even help you profit a bit while building the list.

Again, I'm going to show you something below that is 100% FREE that you can start using TODAY. It not only offers an incredible incentive, but it also acts as your funded proposal.

Key #3: A Trend
The world's best incentive might get someone onto your list. And a successful funded proposal might get them on there affordably. But if you really want people to STICK with your list, it's got to help them tap into a current and growing trend.

If your list introduces them to the wonderful world of dirty sock collections, you're not likely to build much of a list. If it gives people everythin g they need to care for goldfish, you'll probably be able to collect a few people.

But if you help them tap into something that DOMINATES popular appeal, like social networking, then you've got something that at least has the potential to grow like a wildfire. And with KEYS #1 and #2 in place, you're set to rock and roll.

The FREE tool I'll share with you below combines two long-term trends (social networking and e-mail, both done better) with the new and growing trend of PAYING PEOPLE to use the web.

What this ends up doing is PAYING PEOPLE TO BE ON YOUR LIST. So they have an extremely strong incentive to never leave unless they are simply doing NOTHING with the program.

PeopleString is a social network and e-mail system that PAYS PEOPLE to do social networking, internet searches, and online shopping. It even pays them to receive ads in the postal mail and/or e-mail (30 cents to $3 a piece!)

100% FREE to join, getting features every day that are pushing it beyond Facebook, and already the most advanced e-mail system anywhere (with video e-mail, trackable e-mail, self-destructing e-mail, and more), PeopleString is rushing up the ranks of high-traffic websites. Launched in January 2009, by October it was already a top 6000 website worldwide and top 2000 in the U.S. according to

By sharing PeopleString with others, you give them a way to earn money from their own usage, even if they never share i t with someone else. But the more THEY share, the more they earn. And they more THEY share, the more YOU earn! You're paid on 6 levels of referrals, even if everyone on your team is a FREE MEMBER.

However, while probably 95% of all members will remain free members, if you're trying to build a list and are interested in marketing online, then you'll want to upgrade. Again, sell the FREE system. The upgrade, of course, is part of the "funded proposal" with such obvious advantages (like getting paid 3x as much, plus getting a bunch of other benefits) that the right people will know to upgrade.

When you upgrade, you'll be able to go to your back office and instantly e-mail everyone signed up directly through you. So it's like you have your own (simple) newsletter software, not only for helping them grow their teams (and your income), but als o for promoting whatever else you may be working on! (Even get them to join you on another mailing list once you've built some trust.) And all of your upgraded members will have access to their own teams to turn around and send your message further down.

So you're giving away for FREE a social network and advanced e-mail system that is climbing the ranks of popularity by the day. You're giving away a FREE way for people to make money online, which gives them an incentive to NEVER LEAVE YOUR LIST. And as a funded proposal, just building your list can create a FULL-TIME INCOME for you.

So if YOU are ready to build a massive list that PAYS YOU, put the power of PeopleString into your hands. Don't just give people another e-book to join your list. Give them an awesome e-mail system and social network that pays them! Click here to join PeopleString. As soon as you're on board, I'll get in touch with the tools and training you need to build a strong, successful team around you.

Start making money with PeopleString!

Contact Info

Independent Marketer
Phone: 972-836-6639


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