Tarps Now® Offers New Lines Of Shade Tarps To Reduce Dangerous Exposure To Sunlight

Submitted by: Precept Partners

2019-08-30 00:01:34 digg facebook Email twitter print

New Lines of Shade Tarps Provides Humans and Animals Valuable Protection from to Sunlight

South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI (OPENPRESS) Tarps Now® is pleased to announce new lines of outdoor Shade Tarps that reduces exposure to the effects of intense sunlight and other forms of ultraviolet radiation linked to skin cancers in both humans and animals.

To meet the need for protective coverings around homes, animal habitats and other outdoor structures, Tarps Now custom manufactures protective shade tarps and other mesh coverings in a variety of exposure ratings, weights, fabric grades and colors that are engineered to provide outstanding levels of protection.

Applications for these new lines of Shade Tarps extends to uses such as patios, decks, thresholds, gazebos, pools, picnic areas, barns, kennels and other outdoor recreational areas.

Conversely, many businesses are adopting the use of Sun Shade Tarps to protect businesses and their employees who work in areas where prolonged exposure to the elements exists such as in agricultural processing areas, warehousing docks, shipping and receiving areas, and many other outdoor areas where such applications reduces exposure to extreme sunlight exposure and potential heatstroke.

Tarps Now® recognizes that different habitats require different exposure levels, and thus offers a complete line up of Shade Tarps properly rated to meet individual needs.

Tarps Now® Shade Tarp by Exposure Levels:

About Tarps Now®
Tarps Now® features an extensive online catalog of canvas tarps, poly tarps, custom tarps, vinyl tarps and industrial divider curtains. As specialists in custom canvas and vinyl tarps, they are the low-price leaders in their category. The company offers the convenience of fast, easy, online ordering as well as a knowledgeable staff to guide customers through the specification process insuring their project will be completed on time and in budget. Tarps Now® has the experience and scale to insure customer specifications are carefully followed and expectations exceeded for every project, large or small.

Contact Info

Precept Partners
Phone: 269-340-0124
104 East Front St
Buchanan, MI. 49107

Release Info

Metro Area: South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI
Country: United States
Industry: Business: e-Commerce
Press Keywords: tarps,shade tarps,custom tarps,canvas tarps,sun shade tarps,poly tarps,vinyl tarps
Press Company: Tarps Now, Inc.
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