30,000 Women Around The World Combatting Burnout With Freedom

Submitted by: She Heals The World

2018-07-12 00:01:52 digg facebook Email twitter print

New Talk show for women provides content that connects and supports personal growth, freedom and fulfillment in our everyday lives.

(OPENPRESS) Brooklyn born, Columbia Grad Dr. Safiyah Satterwhite takes a stand for women and freedom with her new movement "She Heals The World".

Referred to lovingly by her clients as Dr. S, Safiyah has created a global movement of women who are living life on their terms and using their talent to support themselves, while taking care of their bodies and families in the process.

When asked why she launched, Safiyah states, "I was just BURNED OUT".

"I had made it the top of my field before 30, created a multi seven figure school, made deputy superintendent, was a national consultant and one day I walked past the mirror and saw a woman who was nearly 40 lbs overweight with thinning hair, a non existent social life and no site of joy - I instantly thought to myself - this cannot be what success and impact looks like."

Since then Safiyah has completely re structured her life to emphasize self care, relationships and travel and to fuel her need to make a difference, has brought over 30,000 women with her.

"Today, I want to show women that you dont have to work a traditional 9-5 and burn yourself out to "make it". You also dont have to give up your life to change the world. You just have to think creatively about how you can use your gifts differently, and then have the courage to make it happen."

Through the "She Heals The World" sisterhood, she shares the stories of women living creatively and 'free' as well as supports those aspiring to live the dream by teaching creative business models, providing lifestyle planning workshops and giving women the encouragement they need to live their absolute best lives.

Safiyah states, "If I can help just 1 more woman be there for herself - like really be there by creating the space she needs to heal her body, fix her marriage or finally take that trip to Paris - it would have all been worth it!"

To learn more and be inspired by other women living creatively free you can subscribe to the show at, visit her personal blog or check out her new show on iTunes "The She Heals The World" talk show.

Contact Info

She Heals The World
Phone: Not Given
295 Madison ave

Release Info

Metro Area: ALL REGIONS (Including International)
Country: United States
Industry: Home and Family
Press Keywords: self-care, wellness, business, freedom
Press Company: She Heals The World
Press Site: